CHAPTER 5 : Villain

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Nunew POV

I stare deeply into him. Handle all by myself? What does he really mean? .'It's already late can stay in the guest room if you want to' he said with his back on me .I walked into the room with a deep thought. I need to stay here for the night. Its been 3 hours I was waiting for him outside earlier. Of course I missed my bus. The whole night I was tossing around as my mind was full of questions. Can I ask him tomorrow? Why do he need to say that to me? I close my eyes tightly with a hope I can fall asleep but I was awake till the morning.

I was preparing a breakfast for hia when an unexpected guest came. We stare each other for a while before he put a naughty smile. 'Hello little love..what are you doing here?' he said teasingly as I opened the door. His hand wave seducingly to me. My hands trembling and I breath hardly as if I was running out of breath. I used the breathing technique the doctor has been taught me. I need to keep myself calm .'Why..why are you here?' my voice cracked but I glare to him. I won't let him know how vunerable and afraid I am right now. He don't deserve to know after what he had done to me. 'Of course visiting my best friends but..I'm lucky enough to meet my sex partner here' my eyebrow furrowed irritated by his words 'I'm not your partner' I walked away. I need to get out from this house right now. I can't face him anymore. But he turn me around and pinned my back at the wall. My body was trashing around to escape from his grip but he is too strong. 'Care if we sleep together ..again?' he smile devilishly. ' You drugged me! I was forced!' my tears dropping down as I gritted my teeth. The memories of the night I was raped flashing back in my mind. There's nothing I felt back then ,but just an infinite pain. 'Hia is coming down..Do you want him to see us in this state? Let me go now' I stare to him angrily. I can hear Hia step walking downstairs. My wrist reddened from his firm grip. He chuckled. 'Ok's better if he did not know what us have done behind him' he head to the stairs waving to Hia. They are both talking when I got my things and get out from the house. I don't want Hia to see me crying. I clenched my chest tightly to reduce the pained. Why must all this happened to me? Why I must become this weak? He is the villain..not me. I need to be strong. My tears pouring down without stopping.


I was awake by a chaotic sound downstairs. I get up and headed down but there are my best friend, Korn waiting at the stairs end with his big smile. 'Hi! Having a good dream?' he tease me. 'Why you looks so happy? Nice meeting me?' I raised my eyebrow. 'Well I just met someone important' I furrowed my eyebrow. I was lazy to listen to his bluffing early in the morning. My gaze wandered over the kitchen looking for nunew. 'Where is he?' I asked shortly. He must know nunew was here since nunew must be the one opened the door to him. 'He just left right after I arrived. Why? Haven't had enough with him' he put on a creepy smile. 'I didn't do anything with him Korn..stop it!' I raise my voice. Korn is always with his playful manner. Does he know how to be serious just once. How can I have a friend like him? I shake my head lightly. He never interested in his father business so his younger brother take over the business. I reach for the breakfast prepared. 'Come let's eat' I spoke to him. Why he didn't have the breakfast first? It's still warm. Did he left because I was too harsh on him yesterday? I can't stop worrying about him.

Nunew POV

It's been 2 days things happened at Hia house . We are now working as usual. Neither Hia or me trying to raise that night topic . I headed to Hia office walking upstairs to brief him the schedule for today. 'Good morning Mr zee'. He nodded to me giving me a signal to enter the office. I saw a woman massaging his shoulder behind his chair. Who is she? This is the first time I saw her since I start working here. 'Let me introduce you my girlfriend, Camellia. If she was here, you need to let her in no matter what. Can you remember that?' he hold the woman hand kissing it lightly. 'Ok noted. Let me brief you your schedule for today' I want to done with this quickly. My heart beat in jealousy when I watch their affection. 'No need. Cancel all of my schedule. I need to spend some time with her' he pulled the woman sitting on his lap. What the hell? Do they need to show everything in front of me? I take a deep breath calming myself. 'But Mr zee. It's been a week I extend your schedule. There are a lot of things need to be done.' I remind him. The schedule will be too tight if he really cancel today meeting. 'You don't have to teach me! Remember who you are! Just do what I say! Get out now!' he scream to his lung. I was startled by his response. Why he so angry with me? I don't want to care about him anymore. The woman just calmly patting his chest calming himself. I walked out of the office walking downstairs. I don't understand what I feel right now. Jealousy? Angry? Annoyed?

I was working till late night when the woman walked out from Hia room. What have they done all day long. Hia didn't even enter the meeting held by the board of directors. I focused on my work instead peeking on both of them. But my eyes never listen to me. I saw both of them hugging before Hia send her a goodbye kiss. New, you are nothing to him. Remember that! I memorize my thought until I didn't realize Hia is watching me from afar. He come closer to me. 'What happen to your wrist?' he hold my arm looking at the bruise I got from p'korn that morning. It has been turned dark purple. I dust off his grip but it didn't give any effect on him. 'Not your problem' I stare into his eyes asking him to loosened his grip. 'I'm asking you so you better answer me' he glare to me coldly. Maybe he is angry with my response. I want to let him know what I feel that night when he ignore my question. Serve him right! 'Mr zee..I think it's better if we can separate our privacy and work. This didn't concern you.' I pulled my hands away. I can hear his deep sigh annoyed with my behavior. He walked past me towards his office.

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