CHAPTER 7 : Help!!

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Nunew POV

I took a bus headed to Hia house. Hia have gone working overseas over a week. The whole week without Hia, I try to keep myself busy to divert my attention. I did miss him ,so sometimes I use a work excuse to talk to him .We have been apart for 5 years before but I don't know why it's very difficult for me to be away from hia right now. I need an urgent document to be submit at the main branch in Chiang rai. Hia have told me to get it from his house since he might arrive late because of the flight delay. As I arrived,Hia door was stood ajar. Did Hia just arrived? I got into the house tip toed while my eyes wandered around. Maybe his maid is still inside. I can see the document laying on the kitchen table. I put my bag down on the sofa.

I walked reaching the files but my arms was pulled away firmly into a room. I was surprised to see the person standing in front of me. 'P'korn...what do you want?' my voice stuttering. I struggle escaping him but I was thrown on the bed. I breath heavily as my body trembling in fear. He wear a wicked smile crawling to me at the bed corner .'Why?..let me have you one more time..I already forget how you taste' he pulled me by my ankles, laying my back on the bed. My body support his body weight on top of me. I was crying out loud hoping someone will come to rescue. One of his hand grip both of my hand above my head. He rip off my shirt and unbuckled my belt. 'Pleasee..let me go' I begged for his sympathy. His lips trailed down my chest to my stomach. I don't want it to happened again. I don't want to feel the pain anymore. My cheeks are wet with the tears but he couldn't care less. I catch my breath in heavy pants. He suck my lips hardly until I feel the taste of the blood. My body is naked under him but I feel nothing triggering my orgasm. His lust is just like animal. My body shivered violently while tears rolling down my face. I can't do anything. My body weakened as time pass by. 'Hiaa..where are you?' I yelled out loud in my mind .I closed my eyes willing in what's going to happen.

Just in time ,someone barged into the room pulling p'korn away from me. Eventough my vision are blurry because of the tears, I can recognize the person was Hia. I adjust myself into sitting position and pulled up the blanket to cover my naked body. 'Close your eyes!!' I can see hia eyes are fuming in anger. I put my head down , bending my knee.


I reached home an hour earlier since I change the ticket flight. I can't wait to meet nunew. I should just bring him along. My door are opened slightly when I entered. Maybe my maid forgot to lock the door. But, where is everyone. My eyes wandered around to find the glimpse of nunew. I had told p'korn earlier to send the file at my house. Nunew should already arrived at this hour. but the file is still untouched on the table. I dialled for his number but his phone ringing on my sofa. Why is this here? I hold nunew bag and I start to realize the situation. He is already here! I search for him immediately on every corner but when I reach the guest room ,I can hear nhu sobbing. My heart are rage with anger.

I kicked the door opened and saw korn hovered over nunew. I form a tight fist before pulling korn away from nunew. 'Close your eyes!!' I said in warning before landed a heavy punches on Korn's face. 'You won't get away this time Korn!!' I held him by his collar before landed the second punches. Korn was taken aback, staring me intensely. I was about to punch his face for the third time but before I was able to lift my arms up , Korn scream to me. 'He was mine first!' I give him a deadly glare. 'Don't touch what's mine!!..I warn you Korn!! If you ever come near him again, I will kill you!!' I burst out. Right now, my hands trembling furiously. Tears pooling in my eyes. How could my best friend hurt my lover? Why it must be him? 'Do you really think I was the only one planning this? Find out yourself who make me do this!!' he voice out smirking before headed out of the room.

My gaze landed on a small body covered with the blanket. I sat at the bed sides looking his body quivered violently. His body are full of red marks made by Korn. 'You can open your eyes' I speak softly. He lift up his head staring into me like a wet puppies. His hair covered his eyes and his face was wet with tears. I brushed his hair off his eyes. 'I'm sorry for coming late' I look down cannot bear to watch him in this state. I don't want to cry in front of him. 'Thank you..for coming' his weak voice make me pull him into a hug. It takes him for a while to return my hug. He is sobbing hard on my shoulder. 'P'korn ..hurt me ..he ripped my shirt.. I begged for..for his mercy ..but he..he didn't stop..I'm scared if he it again' I tighten my hug. My body become tense in frustration. 'You are safe now..hia is here..I won't let him near you again..I promise' I burst into tears that I have hold back a little while. I will protect him forever.

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