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Readers, I write this due to some request on happy ending. But if you are ok with the previous chapter, you can skip this. Choose your ending 🤗
Nunew POV

'He... he shows some sign' my grip on the phone loosened as I heard the  girl voice over the phone. Hiaa!! My hands trembling afraid if this will raise any false hope. I can't go through the disappointment again. It's better if I learn to accept the reality from the beginning. Hia have been in vegatative state for almost 5 years. He was transferred to UK to continue his treatment after we had chai. The doctor in charge of him had decided the safest approach would be upfront surgery by postoperative chemotherapy and radiation therapy given his advanced stage of cancer. He did tolerated all the therapy and remain free of the disease but unfortunately, the after effect surgery causing his blood clot and end up in this state. It's been 5 years he was lying dead on hospital bed without any sign. We have agree to end the life support machine next year if he didn't show any sign to woke up. We don't want to torture him in unconscious state .But now, there goes my tiniest hope when his sister called me.

'Chaii!!' I shouted calling him from downstairs. 'Yes papa' he show up at the stairs staring blankly at me. I rushed my step to him ,kneeling down to his height. 'Chaii, listen carefully, we are going to meet daddy now but I need you to promise me something...you won't cry in front of daddy..promise?' I hold my tears back. I need us to be strong when we meet Hia. Although he is in that state, he might be able to hear what happened around him. If it is his fate to have his last breath besides me, I want him to rest peacefully. I walked to the bedroom packing clothes in the luggage. I will grant chai long wish to meet his daddy. If I could, I want chai to meet him sooner but chai was too small to go through this and I also have to take care of the company. Luckily, hia's sister taking care of the company branch there. So, she is able to take care of Hia regularly.

We landed at Heathrow airport at local time, 3 pm. I was picked up by hia's sister and directly drive to the hospital. My hands hold chai small hand entering the room Hia was placed. I bit my lower lips holding my tears back. He lying motionless on the bed. I walked approach him sitting on the chair besides him with chai on my lap. 'Hiaa..we are here' I grab his hand carress it gently.  'Chai have been missing you..he grow up being a handsome boy just like you ...but he did took your bad habit' I chuckles by myself lighten up the mood. The atmosphere are too gloomy for me to hold my tears. The tears are already running down my cheeks in silent crying. 'Hiaaa...don't worry about us..we are doing fine' my voice obviously start to trembling. 'Daddy? I miss you' our little boy speak up holding Hia hand. This is his first time meeting hia. He must have been waiting for this day to come.  I stroke chai hair gently consoling him. 'Let me bring chai home..he must be tired after a long journey' hia's sister scoop chai up to his hip. I just nodded agreeing. I want to be with Hia more so I decided to spent the night here. Along the night, I wipe hia's body while having a conversation to oneself.

3 days passed by but there are no sign from Hia after his last reaction. Hia's family is all at the hospital visiting him. I was on my way refreshing myself at home before heading back to the hospital. As I slide the ward's door open, my body froze. Everyone in the room was in tears but  I was drown in my thought myself. Tears rolling down my cheeks and I feel my strength have left my body. The only thing support me is the door behind me. I was clueless without words. The tiniest hope I was holding on turn into a miracle. 'Hiaa..?' I stare to the eyes that I have been longing for. My voice sound dry. I walked closer to the bed with my weakened knees. He woke up!! My heart speaks my thought. I look to the family member asking for confirmation in silence. They skewed a smile making a tiny drop of my tears fall on the floor.

1 year later

'Chaii..don't be a picky eater.. vegetables are good for your health' I was babbling to him when I saw he left the carrot at the corner of his plate. 'I don't want to eat that papa' he pout with his crossed arm. 'Why are you so stubborn naa chai?' I give a sharp gaze with my eyebrow furrowed. My gaze averted when I heard someone make a struggling voice going downstairs. 'Babee...' Hia walked downstairs slowly supporting himself at the banister.  I rushly get up from the dining table, leading his way to the chair. 'Hiaa..I told you many times to call me if you want to come downstairs..why are you stubborn' here come another stubborn kid. I shake my head lightly. Hia are still not fully recovered. After he woke from his long sleep last year, he has walk and communication disability. Hia have gone through physiology since then and he is getting better. He can now walk by himself. But still I want to give him intensive care until he was fully recovered . 'Pinnn..pinn.. pinn' the school bus honned at my house gate. Although we can hire a driver to send and pick up chai from the school, I want him to grow up being independent. I don't want to spoil him with money. 'Chaii..faster! take your school bag' Chai climb up the chair next to his daddy hastily, giving a peck on his left cheek. 'Byee daddy..I love you' his tiny hand waving to Hia excitedly. I walk him out sending him a goodbye kiss.

'Hia..sandwich or fried rice?' a sweet smile form on my lips. I stand across him waiting to serve him the food . 'Nhuu...' I lift my head looking at him with my eyebrow raised. 'I...don't...want..to.. be...a...burden' he speak one by one. It is still difficult for him to talk fluently but I know he was trying. 'Hia..don't think too much..having you is more than enough for me.. you and chai are solely my happiness' I inched closer to him gently kiss his lips. Later, the kiss turn passionate when he lick the wall of my mouth savouring my flavour. My tongue intruded his mouth in response. The kiss deepen when he pull my neck with one of his hand. The other hand holding my jaw, big enough to cover my whole left cheek. I can feel he smile between our kiss. The kiss stay for a while before he bite my lower lips giving a stinging sensation.  'Auchh..Hiaa!!' my finger caressing my lips checking if its bleeding. He smiles teasingly and then, silence fill the atmosphere a while before he speak up.  'I'm...sorry...I... can't ...give... you..-' Hia sentence hanging hoping I can understand without explanation. 'Our love doesn't need to be prove only through that hiaa' I hold his chin up facing me in confidence. 'I'm happy with our small family..I just need you and chai to be with me forever' I know how vunerable hia feels right now. But never would I feel he is a burden to me. 'I...really..do... love...you' I can feel the sincerity in his words. 'I know..I love you too' I nodded ,smiling purely. No matter how far we are, how different our world would be, how difficult the situation we are in, the love will keep blooming because we are belong to each other. He is my only one.

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