CHAPTER 16 : Our last love

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Nunew POV

I wake up roaming my gaze all around the room. I was trembling all over when I didn't see Hia. I rushly get up from the bed and run toward his office room. He must be here. Are he in pain? I twisted the door knob persistently but it was locked. I then knocked for several times shouting for him. 'Nhuu..I'm here' I turn around staring at Hia behind me. My heart pounded barely holding my tears. I walked over and hug him tightly as if I afraid he will disappear. 'Where do you go?' I asked with my face buried in his chest. 'I was downstairs' he stroked my hair gently in his embrace. 'I thought you were leaving me..I had a bad dream' I like the warmth and secure feeling as I was hugging him. The feeling is so pure that I wish I will never have to let him go. 'Come..let's sleep..its just a dream' we walked hand by hand to the bedroom. He sat at the bed edge, tuck me in. ' can wake me up if you need me' I remind him before closing my eyes. He nodded smile dryly. 'I love you babe' he placed a light kiss on my lips. 'I love you too Hia' .

5 years later

'Papa...I'm backkk!' I can hear chai screaming from afar. Chai! Was the name I have chosen together with Hia. The one that are meant to complete our small family. Our child have turn 5 years old this year. It has been a week since he entered the kindergarten. Thankfully he didn't have any trouble to go to school like some other kids.  'How your school day?' I lowered myself to his height staring at him. He really resembles zee so much. My handsome little boy. He gives me thumbs up with his goofy smile. 'Good' I squeeze his pointy nose. 'Papa is already hungry waiting for you..should we eat together?' I hold my stomach convincedly asking him to eat. 'But I want daddy picture' he whined with his sparkling eyes. 'Go get it...and come back downstairs naa' I remind him. He always use that as his excuse to skip his lunch. Isn't he realize how thin he was? I chuckles with his playful behavior. I tidied up his school bag for the next school day in the meantime. Smile form on my lips when I saw plastic sweet wrappers in his bag. You really did take after you daddy. Even his bad habit. I sighed shaking my head.

I received a call from p'mike, the current assistant of Quin gallery. I have to take over the company for a while. I know how much hia love the company and I don't want to see it ruin when Hia is not here. I need to be responsible before handing it to the next ancestor ,Chai, his blood-related son. 'AR sdn bhd suddenly take out their funds from our new project' I heard the staff said on the other line. I heaved a deep sigh clenching my temple. It is hard to take care both of the company and our child by myself. 'Proceed with the lawsuit' I speak up the decision .My call ended when chai pull my shirt asking for attention.

'What do you want?' I scoop him up sitting besides me .'I want daddy' he hand me the photos he took from his bedroom. It is our family photo when chai are in his early birth. 'We will meet him someday' I give him a pinky promise. 'You lied!! You said the same thing last week!' he throw himself on the ground crying loudly. This had happened regularly since he turned 4. I don't know why he suddenly would ask for hia and sometimes it's hard for me to predict his mood. 'Chaii! Do you want papa to punish you..I told you don't behave like this didn't I?' I warn him with a fierce tone . 'I don't care...I want daddy!!' He scream in stubbornness. I sighed in deeply. 'Ok fine! You cry all you want..don't come to see me until you are done' I walked past him making he cried louder. But that won't stopped me. I want him to be independent. I'm not going to spoiled him. I walked inside my room, calm myself down.

I was reading my novel when the door crack open. I saw chai head peeking staring at me motionless. 'Papa?' a little voice call out from the door. 'Come in' I wave my hand asking him to come closer. 'Are you still crying?' I ask flatly. He reached my pant leg with his little grabby hands. I can see his swollen eye and reddened nose. 'I'm not' he said looking at me without blinking. 'Are you going to behave that way again?' I hold his wrist lightly. He shake his head and snuggles  into me. I hold him up on my lap. 'Daddy is not going to come back to us...I also miss daddy..If you keep reminding me about him..I can't be strong for us.. do you understand?' I explain to him in a bitter tone. It is time to tell him. My heart hurt seeing he cry for hia. The tears flowing down me cheeks but the small hands wipe off the tears immediately. 'I'm sorry papa..don't cry' he wraps his tiny arm around me and place a small kiss on my right cheek. 'How about this? If you are well-behave , I will tell you one story about daddy a day..ok?' I smile brightly. He returned the smile and nodded approvingly. I want chai to know about Hia even he didn't have a chance to grow up with him. Whatever happen, Hia is still his father and I would be his papa forever.

Hia was gone a week after we welcome chai in our family. Even for a while, I will cherish the moment of us together. I'm happy more than  enough that Hia have a chance to meet chai. Our love are meant for forever. My heart will never stopped beating for him. I love him and still love him in every second of my life. He will be my first love and my last. Meeting him is already the miracles in my life. I believe, Hia would want me to cherish my remaining life without him.

------------------------The end-----------------------

I'm sorry reader...😭I'm also crying when writing the last two chapter.. This story has come to its end. Anyways , thank you for all the support. I'm gladly appreciate it. Feel free to leave any comment. I have receive a suggestion for the next plot and I might publish it on my next work...Again, thank you so much dear readers♥️

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