CHAPTER 8 : Get back

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I woke up with nunew in my hug, resting his head on my chest. We both fall asleep in the room. I kept my eyes shut sending me to a dreamless sleep. I don't want to wake up and face the reality. I don't know what feeling dominate inside me right now. 'Hia..' he called me and stare with his puppy eyes. I look down to him. 'Are you hungry?' I ask him. I got up gently and lay on my side facing him. He shaked his head slightly. 'Sleep some more..I will prepare the breakfast' I put a smile leaving him on the bed. I know things may seem awkward between us but I can't look him in the eyes. I don't know how much of regret deepens inside me but I need time to put things back to normal.

I was preparing tuna sandwich when I feel hands surround my waist. I turn my head looking at nunew resting his head on my back. 'Are you disgust with me?' he speaks bluntly. I put the bread down turning myself facing him. I don't know why would he think this far. 'Why would I?' my thumb caressed his bleeding lips. What this guy have done to him?! The anger flaring in my chest. 'Because I was raped..? You didn't even look into my eyes this treat me coldly' his gaze fixated on me with a worried expression. I lean myself closer ,lightly kiss his lips. I want him to know there aren't even the slightest bit I feel disgust with him. I stare softly to him before I voice out my decision. 'I love you..and I want us to marry' I hold both of his cheeks. He was stunned staring at me disbelief. 'I want you all by myself...I want to protect you' I continued. 'Hiaa..I don't want to rush things' he look down but I lift his chin up. 'We're not rushing, nhu..we have been apart for 5 years..I want you by my side...nobody could break us apart again' I put a convincing tone. '5 years ago..I leave you because I was threatened..' he speaks in a low tone. I attentively wait for his next words but nothing came out after that. 'Its ok..I can wait until you are ready' .I pull him closer resting his head on my chest.

Nunew POV

Its been a week I stayed at Hia house. He insisted me to stay with him for a while. I took a week leave to recover from the traumatic incident. Hia bring me to meet his friends who currently working as psychiatrist. He helped me to overcome my trauma in every way suggested by the doctor. I'm getting better by the day. Hia is out working today since he have an important meeting ,so I was home alone. Hia asked me to invite my friends to accompany me in case anything happened but I was too lazy to tell them. If they know I was staying over at my ex boyfriend house, everything will be messed up. I don't want people to start gossiping about us .I just want things to settle down peacefully. Maybe Hia and I need to have a serious talk. This is the right time to tell him the truth about the past. He will know sooner or later. I know Hia have been investigate about it by himself a week ago. He don't want to put pressure on me so he hired a personal investigator. But ,its better if he know it from my own mouth.

It's almost the time Hia coming back. I hastily opened the door when I heard the bell ringing. Instead of Hia, a stern familiar face standing in front of me. I let him in and close the door. He sat on the sofa as I follow his back. My breathing become heavy. Why he need to come here? Did he want to break us apart again? 'I know you are back together' Mr panich cynical gaze stabs me. '...' I was clueless by the fact. I know he don't want me close to his son but I don't want to leave Hia again. What I've done to him in the past is cruel enough. I leave him when he need me. His older brother was died because of suicide. But that day, I got no choice . I had to leave him. 'I will tell him the truth..besides, he already start investigating my past' I let out a confident tone to let him know I will never change my mind. But my hands already shaking in fear right now. 'I will let you by his side only keep the past just between us..also I will handle him myself..Back then, I don't like you because you agitate him...I know you are the one encourage him to fight for his passion..but I only want him to take over my business ,not pursue his studies in medical ..his future must only be decided by me...Right now, I've got what I want and so do you...if you have thought about it, let me know' he got up walking to the doors after left his card on the coffee table. There's not a single words coming out from my mouth. I just come to know why Hia's dad hated me so much before. I thought it was because we are gay ,but his reason is more unacceptable. He shouldn't limit his son dream. I know Hia love to learn biology when he was in high school and he want to become a neurologist. I did encourage him to voice out his dream bravely to his parents. I didn't realize his father could take things this far. How could a father sacrifice his son happiness just because of his own dream. I stare deep into my thought. He even threatened me after he instruct p'korn to raped me. How long should I keep this secret again? How Hia will feel if he know the truth about his father?

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