CHAPTER 2 : Cold Treatment

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Nunew POV

My growling stomach wake me up as my head lay down on the desk exhaustedly. It's been a week after I start working. A lot of file I need to revise and compile before I can meet my 'fussy' boss. I have spend my night at the office for few days to finish with my works. As I woke up stretching my arms, the office phone rang. The phone only connected to the boss office. My eyes widened as I realize who would be on the call. The phone never rang even once when I was here. Is the boss already inside the office? Did he saw me sleeping during working hours? My thought roaming. I answered the call and there I heard a stern voice . 'Come in..Bring the document in' his tone make my whole body shivered. I grab the file that have been prepared walking upstairs to the office.

I ring the bell just as formality before stepping inside. I lose my grip on the file as the person in front of me lift his head up staring to me. My mind was blank staring into the familiar eyes. But why the eyes are full of hatred and displeasure just like the one I saw five years ago. Where did the bright and cheerful eyes I used to look into. Did he still hold grudge against me?. Is he really the person I have been missing? The person that haunt my dreams every night? I moved forward approaching him but no words is coming out. 'Put it there. And please...if I caught you sleeping one more time, I won't hesitate to throw you out from this company' his dark voice stunned me. I restrict my step looking at him with no expression. 'He have change' I keep the thought to myself. 'I'm sorry.. please excuse me' . I head out after placing the file on the desk. The tears involuntarily rolling down my cheeks as I turn my back to him. I can't hide my sadness anymore. 'He really did change' I whisper to myself


I walked out from the lift and my eyes glued on the person resting his head down on the table. I stand from the distance staring on him that has been sleeping soundly not aware of my presence. I was the one recruit him as my personal assistant. There's nobody more qualified to be by my side other than him. Yess..i still love him. But our previous past pitching my anger. He left me when I was at my dead end! He left me when I need him the most! I won't be able to forget that. I want to seek for my revenge. I want to make him suffer like I was before. My eyes flew and stepping closer to my office. I called for him right after I enter my office. Why does I feel I want him to be by side every time. I brush off my thought immediately.

As soon as he enter my office ,his eyes was collided with mine. His body become a statue standing from a distance and stared into my eyes. 'I hate him!' I remind myself. Why he looks so fine and happy without me? The anger and jealousy seeping inside me .I hate myself for loving him. I couldn't forget him no matter what I do. Does he feel the same? .I try to ignore his presence as I look down on the document laying on my desk. 'Put it there. And please...if I caught you sleeping one more time, I won't hesitate to throw you out from this company'. I speak harshly only to hurt him. I will make he regret knowing me. He won't able to leave me again even he want to. I purposely let him sign up the long term contract after recruiting him. This time, he won't get away from me easily .

Nunew POV

I can see my reddened eyes from the reflection. How do I fixed this. I don't want people to notice I was crying. I secretly sigh. What did he want from me? Should I ask his forgiveness? Of course not! What happened in the past is not my fault. I answer the question playing on my mind. My hands massaging my temple. If only I am able to tell him the truth. This misunderstanding between us will never happened. But I know it's better to keep it as a secret forever. How can I speak ill to the person he trust the most. His feeling is the most important one. My hands busy arrange the paper on my desk just to devert my attention.

'I need to see you now!' Hia voice suddenly coming out from the microphone. There must be something bad coming up. I could guess from his harsh tone. I walk hastily toward the office. 'Yes Mr zee' I sound professional. This is the working hours so if he want me to forget out past then I will. 'Where is the forecast trend for the past 3 years?!!' he is now fuming with anger. 'But Mr Mike only inform me to compile the company finance' I voice out confidently but the file flew down in front of me. I was shocked by his sudden treatment. 'Didn't you know the finance always referring to our forecast trend!! Re-do and give it to me by tomorrow!' his voice raising up. I kneel down picking up the paper that scattered on the floor. I close my eyes just to calm myself. He is too much. Didn't he know he recruit an inexperienced staff and there's no people that was assigned to guide me since my day one. Or else did he intentionally do all that just to make me suffer? 'Sorry krub..I will re do and send to you tomorrow ' I let out a flat tone as I headed out. I heaved a deep sighed thinking that I won't be able to go home again today. Luckily, there are shower to refresh myself. The office has been my second house since last week so I have getting used to it. There's already many work still pending but here comes another work to be re-do. What a hectic day!

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