CHAPTER 3 : Trauma

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I walk downstairs reaching nunew desk .I asked for the auditor report through the microphone but no response I received. My eyes wandered on his table until it was fixated on a bottle of medicine that caught my attention. What is that? Is he ill? It's look like a long term. prescription. My hands almost touch the bottle for a clearer view before my phone vibrating. I received the customer call and head into my office.

I was focused on my work until there is someone knocking. My head turn and I was momentarily swayed by the look of guy in front of me. He wore long sleeve pajamas but somehow it looks sexy on him. 'I'm sorry mr zee..I was taking a shower is what you need' he put down the file on my table politely. As he was walking away ,I immediately get up and walked over him. 'Do you need anything else?' his voice trembling as my face move inch closer to him. I could feel his breath swept across my face. 'You smell nice' I said seductively. My hands already trapped him between me and the desk. 'Mr zee.. people might see us' he warn me with a calm tone. 'Who would be here at this hour? Its just us..We can do anything we want' my hands trailed off from his eyes down to his lip. I bite my lips enduring the seduction of his plump pink lips. 'Mr zee ..please let me go.. I need to continue my work' his eyes was avoiding my gaze. 'I might need to loosened up some of your work. We need to do something about this now' my thumb pressing on his lips as my lips comes closer but it was stopped when I saw his eyes dilated and trembling in fear .It's just a kiss. What is he scared of? I stare on him for a while to grab the situation before I hug him. 'Its's ok..I won't do anything to you..look at me nunew!' my voice raised up since I also was shocked by his sudden reaction. I hold both his cheeks forcing his eyes to focused on me. 'Its me, hia..I won't hurt you' I let out a long sigh as his breathe turn to normal. I hug him tightly making he feel secured. My hand patting his back gently.

Nunew POV

Its been 3 months I was working here and I can say I only got 3 hours sleep everyday. The work given to me overload and there's a lot I need to improve. However the the decent salary make me bear with the workload. Its been past midnight and I was still here working in my office. The auditor is coming tomorrow so there is more things that need to be prepared. Even Hia also in his office working on the documents .

I was busy going through the document until I realize it hasn't be approved by the head boss. I walked towards zee office and knock on the door lightly. If Hia is sleeping,I will just left the document on his table that might ease my jon but I saw Hia turn and stare to me .'I'm sorry mr zee..I was taking a shower is what you need' I walked forward placing the document and as I turn myself ,Hia move in front of me and trapped me by his desk. My mind suddenly replaying my terrifying past. Hia inching closer to me but it doesn't provoke my lust instead the anxiety attack is coming over again. My gaze is stupified with a fear stared. The tears pooling inside my eyes almost rolling down my check. My chest feel tightened all around. I can feel Hia hugging me but I'm not able to return the hug. Why it must happened in front of hia..? What if Hia know about my disease? This will only lead to our relationship 5 years ago. 'Its me, hia..I won't hurt you' Hia hold my face as I start to realize the situation. It's the first time he is addressing himself as Hia. He hugged me and the warmness really keep me safe. I close my eyes as I was in his hug. After a while, Hia asked me to sleep in his office since the bed there will keep me comfortable.


I release my hug after I can feel he breathing normally. 'Go to sleep there' I pointed to the bed at the corner of my office. 'I can sleep at my desk' he stare into my eyes thoughtfully. 'I will only repeat once..sleep. here.' my voice are firm matching my sharp eyes. I'm not in my mood when I already saw what happened to him . I can't suddenly asked about it from him, can I? I will find any way to know what his problem. Why is he trembling in fear for something as simple as a kiss. He didn't speak much but only walking past me laying on the bed.

I walk down to his desk. I still remember the bottles of medicine I was holding. I know this must be related to his condition. But as I searching over his desk, the bottle is gone . Is he purposely hiding it from me? I furrow my eyebrow in stress. 'I told you, you will never getting away. I will find it no matter what' I let out my thought to myself. I enter my office approaching the beautiful man that sleeping soundly. My hands caressing his cheeks. 'What really happen to you nhu? I know something is going on' my voice was as soft as a whisper. I don't want to interrupt his sleep. My heart ache when I saw him trembled with fear of me earlier. What make him become like that? I will find the answer even you try to hide the truth. The curiosity already overpowered my body. Nobody can stop me now.

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