CHAPTER 11 : Father

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I was resting my head back on the sofa when someone barged in my office. 'I'm sorry mr zee..I already warn him but he...' one of my staff speak shakingly. I did inform them not to let anyone in when nunew is not around . 'It's can go now' I tone down my voice. My body is boiled with anger seeing the shameless face smirking at me. 'What are you doing here ai'korn!! I told you never showed up again didn't I?' My eyes are flaring in anger. He just chuckles in response making me furrowed my eyebrow. 'Don't worry..I'm not here to harm anyone..just wanna know how my leftover taste? Did he feel good?' he walked past me while his hand playing with the ornament on my desk. I grab my fist tightly until it dug down my skin. 'Damn youu Korn!! Say what you want!! ' if he talk bad about nunew again I won't hesitant to lay a punch on his face. 'Zee...don't be too dumb' he shakes his head with smile at the corner of his lips. 'Do you really trust the investigator you hired? ..I'm totally sure he would say the incident only ended with me..but who knows your father is involve in this' he lift his shoulder up with his eyebrow raised. 'What do you mean?' my tone lowered in shocked. It's true nunew never told me anything about the incident and I also don't want him to reminiscing his terrifying past. The photos of dad and nunew in my house entrance was placed on my desk. Why nunew never told me this? What else is he hiding from me? 'Why? Surprised? Your father is the one that instruct me to rape your lover' I took a deep breath. I hold the corner of the desk as I feel my body weakened. 'I will get going now ..and won't come back for good..good luck with your marriage ' he walked out of the room. I need to go back now .I want the truth. I grab my suit and drive away to my house.

I am angry. How could he not trust me. It is important things yet he dare to hide it from me. Nobody, even my father can touch what's mine. 'Nunewww!! Come here!!' I shouted calling him from the living room. I saw he walked hastily towards me. 'What is it hia?' I throw down the photo to his feet. 'Explain this!' my eyes are flaring with anger.
I can see the expression of guilt he display. '...' he look down pinching his finger nervously. I walked inside the bedroom furiously. 'Hiaa!!' he come after me. 'Whyyy?? Why did you keep it from me!! You know how much I look for the truth?? Is it because you doubt my love?' the atmosphere become tense with the arguement. 'Noo hiaa ...listen to me first.. please..I thought I can handle this well..that's why I ...' I cut off his words. 'Handle it well? By keeping a secret from me?? For how long do you intend to keep it?!! That my own father the cause of your suffering?! How could I look at you now' my tone slow down at the end as the tears leaking out my eyes. 'That's why I don't want to tell will blame yourself.. look at me Hia..I don't despise anyone in this matter..not even your father' I saw his eyes already full of tears. 'Its the past..let's build the future together..alright Hia?' he caressed my cheeks convincingly. 'I'm sorry babe...I'm sorry' I hold his hand on my cheeks tightly. Later, I sat on the bed resting my head at the bedframe while playing his hair on my lap. I need to have a serious talk with my father. I want to warn him not to hurt nunew ever again. These things need to be settled as long as I'm still breathing.

I woke up early morning ready to visit my parents house. Nunew was still sleep soundly besides me.'Wait for me' I whisper softly. I placed a light kiss on his forehead before heading out. I was greeted by the maid at the entrance . 'I need to see por' i said as I walked inside the house. 'Master is in his office room upstairs' the maid answer politely. I rushly reaching the stairs knocking on the door he was in. I walked inside with the silence fill up throughout the room.'Why you do that?' I asked him directly. I'm sure he can predict the reason I was here. Korn exposed him because he refused to supply the fund to their company until it goes bankrupt. 'I only ask Korn to threat him not to rape him..New took you from me!! even start to go against me when you become close to never do that to me before!!' he burst out his feelings. 'So that's the reason?? You want me to..' I was at loss with my words. ' me..I didn't know korn would go that far..' he walked approaching me. I don't know if I could trust him anymore. 'I will resign if you ever hurt him again' I turn my back walking out after giving a warn .There's no point I put the blame on him right now. It was the past and I was the part of the blame. If I was with nunew that day, things won't happened.

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