CHAPTER 14 : Arguement

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My patience has come to its limit. I don't know why he treat me coldly and act more stubborn lately. Is it because I spoil him too much that he turn out like this? My heart is boiling with anger. It's not just once or twice he make me angry but I have been patient for several times. I don't want to lose my patient on him. But today he is too much. At least he need to tell me the reason before act sarcastically to me. There's no way I will let him go to work by bus while I'm still here. Eventough he don't want to go with me , he can use the car I bought for him. Why he need to provoke me in this early morning? 'Don't you dare to think leaving this house!! I'm not done with you!' It is my last resort to threat him. If he dare to walk out from the house I will dragged him back in.

'Whatt?! Are you going to hit me?!' he shout trembling. There must be something going on. It is the first thought come across my mind. Why did he suddenly think of me hitting him? I even never lay a finger on him. Why would I do that to him. I'm serious when I said I will never hurt my lover. Especially after he get married to me, I did took a better care of him. Where does it start to go wrong? 'What are you saying?' I tone my voice down consoling him. My forehead frowned into layers. I don't want to see him crying. I have promise I wouldn't let he cry for me again. 'I saw you with Camellia last week! You said you are going to work! But you are not! You lied to me' he trashed out the vase besides him. 'Nhuu..listen to me' the situation become chaotic that I try to calm it down. He sobbing hardly. 'Nhuu..please let me explain' I come near him carefully avoiding the broken glass. He slide down the floor weakly. 'I don't want to hear anything! lied to me, you bastard!..I..I call you that day..but you are with her' he dust off my hands and move himself to a corner. He used his hands to close both his ears. So he know about it? I hold my temple with my thumb and index finger. What's happening right now? How can I explain to him. I did keep a secret from him and I don't wish he would know about it this early. I met with Camellia just as a friend. I need advice from her regarding my problem. I know nunew will overthink if he knew I was out with her. I know him well enough. He won't let things go easily and eventually my secret will be revealed. Camellia did warn me to tell him the truth whenever I'm free but..I'm scared we both will get hurt. He can call me coward but I had the final say.'I told you before to let me know if you grew tired of me didn't I ? I will leave you by myself... Why you need to punish me like this?' He said with a despair looks .I hold his hand firmly until he can't manage to pull his hand away from me. 'You know I won't be tired of you...why would you say such you know how much it hurts me? I thought you understand me' he pulled away his gaze from me not believing my words. His tears streamed down his eyes. 'I saw the lipstick! You are not sleeping with me! You met camellia behind me!! If you are at my place, what would you think?! I doubt you for a reason, not just simply words!' I never saw he become this angry. This time, I know, now is not a suitable time for me to explained myself. 'Do you really think of me that low? That I'm cheating on you?' my eyes shaking looking at him for the answer. '...' he stare to me without blinking , stand with his decision. 'Ok..I will give you time to think about it...let me clean this first' I get up walking to the kitchen grab the dustpan. At least, I don't want him to hurt when I'm not here. My heart aches after what he said to me. He really doubt my love. I know our journey are full of obstacles but I need he to trust me as much I do trust him .After I finish cleaning I walked upstairs packing my own clothes heading out from the house. 'I will come back when we have calm down' I said before stepping out from the house. We both need time to calm down. Things won't resolve in this state.

I drive away from the house without direction. My tears rolling down my cheeks. My vision become blurry. The pain I have been hiding from nunew come in sudden. I grasp my stomach tight hoping it will reduce the pain. My body twitching in torment and I screamed in agony. My car stopped at the roadside waiting for the pain soothe away. All of the emotion come in rollercoaster. My phone ringing with nunew number. My pain won't tolerate with me so I can't reach the phone. The pain almost make me lost my insanity. 'Arghhhh...' I punch the steering wheel furiously. What should I do now?! We are just starting to feel the happiness but this shit have come between us. How can I put up with this? I start hating myself .

Nunew POV

A sudden silence fill up the house after the chaotic argument. I don't want Hia to walk away but my body won't cooperate. I become motionless like a statue on the floor. Why I can't stop my tears? My hand shivering in coldness reminiscing the sweet memory I have with Hia. I know I lost control just now. But I can't manipulate my feelings. I can't think rationally when I'm angry and I'm that kind of person. I reach my phone dialling for Hia's number. I don't want him to go. But I can't reach his number. I grab the car key and hastily walk out from the house. I need to find hia! I need to ask for his forgiveness. I shouldn't doubt his love for me. 'Nunew! What have you done?' I screamed to myself. How can I let anger and jealousy overpowered myself.

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