Gyutaro One-Shot

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Female reader
3rd pov
Fluff+A little agnst(?)
Modern A.U


"The prettiest"

Y/n just got home from work and was calling her lover's name.

-Gyutaro!I'm home!-The girl yelled in hopes to hear his voice.

She walked through the house,looking for her dearest person.

-Gyutaro!-She yelled for the second time,while walking to their shared bedroom door.
-Gyutaro?-She said while slowly opening the door.
When Y/n opened the door,she immediatly ran to Gyutaro.

-Hey,what happened,Taro?-She asked,trying to sound as calm as possible,but he knew Y/n was worried.Gyutaro looked to Y/n.
-Y/n-chan,am I ugly?Or perhaps,hideous?-He asked,in a low,sad tone.
-No.Of course not,Taro.You are so pretty.The prettiest boy in the whole world.-Y/n said trying her best to calm Gyutaro down.
He sniffed and wiped his tears.

-I love you so much,it truly hurts me to know you think that of yourself.-She said visibly sadned because of Gyutaro's view on himself.
-I'm sorry,N/n-chan.-Gyutaro said,more calm.
-It's fine,don't worry about it,Taro.-Y/n said,caressing his cheeks.
-I love you,N/n-chan.
-I love you too,Taro.Now why don't we watch a movie?
-Ok!-He said more happily.-Can we cuddle?-Gyutaro asked,very anxious about the answer.
-Of course we can!-Y/n said,smiling brightly.-Let me just put a movie on.
Y/n puts a movie and sits on the bed.

-How do you want to cuddle?-She said waiting for a response.
-Spooning.-Gyutaro said,still very anxious,even if Y/n had already accepted,what if she didn't want to spoon?What if she changed her mind and didn't want to cuddle anymore?
-Sure!Do you want me to be the big spoon?
-Yes.-Gyutaro said more confidently.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Gyutaro,holding him close to her chest.The boy puts his head on the crook of her neck.Y/n starts playing with Gyutaro's hair and he just melts in her arms,falling asleep.
After 10 minutes or so,she too,falls asleep.

The end!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this one-shot!
Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon!
!DISCLAIMER!I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.

Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can bcs I have school and play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

450 words!

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