Sabito One-shot

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Requested by Akdoesart.I hope you like it!And I'm sorry if this isn't what you had expected,if that happens to be the case,you can message me here on Wattpad and tell me why you didn't like it or why it didn't meet your expectations,I'll happily do another version the exact way you want it!


Female Reader
1st pov

H/C=Hair color

"Be less careless"

This last month Y/N has been getting injured a lot more during missions and I've been seeing her a lot less too due to how long she is spending in the Butterfly Estate.

I decided that when I have free time,I would visit her.

As time went by,I had managed to visit her.


I entered her room in the Butterfly Estate,it was all mostly white.

I sat down next to her bed,the H/C-haired girl smiled as she saw me.

"-Hey Momo*!"-She greeted me,my cheeks blushed a light pink color at the nickname she used.
"-Hi Y/N.How are you doing?Is your arm any better?"-I asked worriedly.
"-Yeah,it's much better now."-She answered with a small smile,Y/N was visibly happy to see me."-Shinobu-san told me that I will be released tomorrow."-She added.
"-Really?That's great,my love!I'm so happy for you.But you need to be more careful next time you're on missions,I don't want you to get hurt anymore."-I crossed my arms in front of my chest as the girl giggled lightly.
"-Yeah yeah,I know,I'll try."-She lazily responded.I frown at how careless she was and at how she ignored my advise.
"-I mean it.You should be more careful before your carelessness gets you killed or something."-I reinforce my point and add."-I get worried about you when you're hurt."
"-Okay,I'll try to be less careless if that makes you happy."-I smiled at her small effort.
"-Thanks.I love you."-I kiss her cheek.
"-I love you too."-She hugged me.

I hugged her back and felt her nuzzle her face on my chest as my cheeks get a shade darker of pink.

*Momo=peach in Japanese

The End!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this One-Shot!
Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon in the request page!
I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can bcs I have school and play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

464 words

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