Tokito Brothers One-Shot

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Non-Binary Reader
3rd pov

For anyone who hasn't seen Muichiro's backstory,this contains spoilers of it!

L/N=Last name



After Muichiro and Yuichiro's mother died from her disease and their father slipped from the cliff while trying to get the herbs for his wife,the twins only had one person left to talk,play and interact with.

And that person was none other than Y/N.Their mother was a nurse from the hospital in the small town ahead of the forest the Tokito's lived in and their father was the owner of a small bakery,also in town.

Both families were friends with each other,having shared meals regularly,and as a consequence of that,Y/N and the siblings grew up as friends.

One day,as the L/N family arrived at the Tokito house,they found no one but the siblings.

"-Where are your parents?"-The L/N family asked.
"-They died."-The little boys hesitantly answered, tears already staining Muichiro's cheeks.

Even though Y/N's family offered them shelter in their home,the twins refused,for whatever reason.

Everyday,when Y/N's parents went to work,they brought food and other supplies,like clothes,to the twins,fearing they might run out of them.They also helped them clean the house and wash their clothes,and some days,they even brought warm meals for them,so that they didn't have to cook.

That is,until one morning,when Y/N arrived at their house,basket of food in their hands,they saw a small trail of blood leading inside.Concerned,they went to see what it was,then,the basket fell to the floor,spilling the contents inside on the floor due to a horrifying sight displaying in front of them.

Mui was crying,sitting on the floor and holding Yui in his arms,then they noticed one of Yui's arms was gone,the blood pouring out being the cause of the trail of blood.

Y/N ran to them and sat down next to the siblings.

"-Muichiro,what happened?!"-They questioned.
Muichiro couldn't speak though,being too absorbed in the fact that his twin brother was dying in his arms.

Y/N realized there was no saving Yuichiro,he would die and there was nothing either of them could do.
Y/N thought,their mother was working and their father too,he wouldn't be able to do anything anyway,and their mother could,but the hospital was too far away and too much blood was spilled,there was no way be would survive the trip to the hospital.

They too started crying,taking Yuichiro in their arms and only his remaining hand.

"-Yui,I'm so sorry.I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."-They mumbled,gripping the dying boy tightly.
"-It's not your fault,don't blame yourself.It's neither of you guys' fault."-Yuichiro replied weakly,coughing at the end of each sentence.

Labored breaths came from all 3 of them,occasional coughs too,as a deafening silence fell over them,struggling to believe one's twin brother and the other's bestfriend was bleeding to death,nothing being able to help it.

It sucked to see something bad happen to one of your loved ones and not being able to do anything about it,it hurt.The feeling of being useless,the wish of dying instead of the other,the desire to take away all their pain appeared in both Muichiro and Y/N's hearts and minds.
But they couldn't and wouldn't do anything about it,not now,and maybe not ever.

As the late hours of the morning approached,Yuichiro slowly took his last breaths,memories with his most loved ones reminding him how much his death would hurt them,and he hated to not be able to do anything about it too.

"-Please remember I love both of you,in different ways,of course.Y/N,please tell your parents I appreciate all the things they did for me and Mui,I really do.Thank you guys for being there for me when I needed you guys."-He coughed in between every couple of words,his eyes slowly closing for eternity.

Y/N immediately accepted he was dead,but it hurt nevertheless.Muichiro took longer to process his brother was really dead,it was too scary and sad to be true,he thought he was dreaming for some minutes,but then,it all hit him like a train.The two hugged each other and then ran to Y/N's dad's bakery,telling him the news.The bakery was temporary closed that afternoon as they showed him the body.

It was all so heartbreaking,neither of them were the same after that.And then,Muichiro disappeared,leaving no trace of where he was,and it broke their heart too,now,their two bestfriends were gone,one died,the other disappeared.It felt like a curse at this point..

The End!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this One-Shot!
Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon in the request page!
I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can as I am going to start music lessons and I play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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