Senjuro One-Shot

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Requested by d3d_fl00f_b4ll.Thank you so much for the request!I hope you like it!f there is something you don't like/want to change in the story,you can always dm me!

Gender Neutral Reader
1st pov

A/N:This one-shot follows the same timeline of the last Senjuro one-shot.

"It's okay."

I had recently received the sad news that Kyojuro died while fighting the UpperMoon 3.I knew that Senjuro would be devastated so I decided to visit him,to try to cheer him up,even if for just a small bit.

I took a flower crown with me,it was made of Senjuro's favorite flower in three tonalities,a yellow tone,an orange tone and a red tone,which all matched his hair and eyes.

I arrived at his house and gently knocked on his door,I wasn't expecting his father to open the door,much more his father was surprisingly sober.

"-Good morning,mister Rengoku.Is Senjuro home?"-I asked his father with a soft and polite smile.
"-Yes,he is.He's in his room."-Mister Rengoku replied with a slight sad look on his face.
"-Thank you.Also,I'm deeply sorry for your loss."-I bowed a little to show him some respect.
"-Thank you."-He stepped back a little to let me in.

I entered his house and took my shoes off and left them by the door.I went to Senjuro's room and knocked on the door softly.

"-Can I come in?"-I said softly from the outside of his room.
"-Yes,you can."-He replied from within the room.

I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed while holding a picture frame with one of Kyojuro's picture in it.I close the door and sit next to him on the bed.

"-Hi darling,How are you feeling?"-I ask with an empathetic small smile.
"-I.."-He didn't finish his sentence and started crying,putting his face on the side of my shoulder,while still holding the picture frame close to him.
"-Hey,it's okay.Let it all out."-I wrap my arms around him and shift my body a little to the side to make him more comfortable.
"-I miss him so much.He was the best big brother ever."-He choked out through sobs.

I softly rubbed his back as I listened to him vent.

After some time of him venting and me hugging him,he stopped crying.

"-Thank you for listening to me and for being an awesome girlfriend."-He wiped his tears with his hands  as the picture frame rested on his lap.
"-There's no need to thank me,it's what girlfriends do."-I replied to him and took the flower crown from my bag,putting it on his head as he looked at me with innocent eyes.
"-Does that cheer you up?"-I added with a smile.
"-Yeah."-He giggled.
"-Good."-I answered.

The End!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this One-Shot!
Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon in the request page!
I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can bcs I have school and play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

488 words

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