Kyōjurō One-Shot

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Sweet Female Reader
3rd pov

Modern A.U
Also,both Y/N and Kyōjurō are a bit of metal heads.
Yeah,that's it😃.



"-So,are we going or not?"-Asked Y/N with a contagious smile.
"-Yes,we are.Just let me finish brushing my hair."-Said Kyōjurō,brushing a small chunk of hair with his orange hairbrush.
"-Okay!"-Y/N ran out the house to their shared car,like a little kid.

She is very excited.
Because they are going to visit Senjurō!

And Kyo's father too.

Well,atleast he isn't an alcoholic anymore.

Anyways,back to the subject,Y/N thinks of Senjurō almost as her own son that she has yet to have.

After a minute or two of listening to the song that was playing on the metal station,the man came out of the house,obviously locking the door and going to the driver's seat.He was the one driving since last time,Y/N drove there.

He started the car and they drove there,occasionally singing along some of the songs,doing a good job at harmonizing and being on tune,just doing a terrible job at singing with that metal voice that neither of them could do,laughing at each other's singing failures too.

They lived not too far from Senjurō and Shinjurō,it took them 10 minutes to get there.Kyōjurō parked their car in from of the house.

They made their way to the front door and Y/N knocked on it with a big smile.

Almost instantly,Shinjurō opened the door,it looked like he was already waiting for the duo.

"-Good afternoon,dad!"-Kyōjurō greeted his dad.

Y/N had always wondered how he and Senjurō managed to forgive their dad after all the abuse he inflicted on them.She admired them both for being so forgiving.Such angels.

"-Good afternoon,Mr.Rengoku."-She greeted the elder man too,bowing her head a little.Even if she was told a million times she didn't need to bow,she still did,it was a habit.
"-Good afternoon,come in."-Shinjurō smiled.Back then,that would be one of the rarest sights to ever witness,but now it was really frequent.

The couple went inside the house,gently closing the door and taking their shoes off.

"-Is Senjurō in his room?"-Y/N immediately asked,a smile crossing her lips.

Kyōjurō's dad only nodded and smiled,he loved how his future daughter-in-law had such affection for his younger child,it was truly heartwarming to see.

The female ran to Senjurō's room,wanting to see him like she always did.

She knocked on his door,waiting for permission to come in,which she quickly heard through the door.

She excitedly opened the door,running to the little man and giving his a huge hug,both acting like they hadn't seen each other in months,which was far from the truth.

"-There's my little guy!I missed you so much!"-Y/N squished him in her hug,almost crushing him to death,but it didn't hurt,and it's not like he minded her almost bone-crushing hugs.
"-I missed you too!"-Senjurō hugged back,almost crying out of joy,he was so happy to see her again after all this time..Which was only two weeks.But they would always act like it had been a year.Nobody cared tho,it was cute and they were happy,so why care,really?

Senjurō and Y/N spent a lot of time just kind of gossiping and talking,and Y/N helped Senjurō with some things he needed help with,like homework and whatnot.

Kyōjurō and Shinjurō watched from afar,through the open door,it was truly a sight to behold.

"-Hey kid,don't let this one slip."-Said Shinjurō to his older child,a smile crossing his lips.
"-I won't father,I promise."-He smiled back,cherishing that he had someone that cared for his brother just as much as he did,maybe even more.

The End!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this One-Shot!
Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon in the request page!
I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can bcs I have school and play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

760 words

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