Kokushibo One-Shot

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Request from karenahhhhh.
Thank you for the request!<3

Female Child Reader
3rd pov


Running through the forest was a little girl,around 8 years old.

She stopped running because of her legs,her little legs.

After walking for a while she saw a man from afar.
She approched the man.

"-Hey Mister?Can u help me find my village?"-The little kid asked the tall man.
"-You should run from me."-Was all he said
"-What?Why would I run away from you,Mister?"-She questioned the tall guy.
"-Because I am a monster."He replied the little girl.
"-I'm sure you're not a monster,Mister!"Y/n said.

The man turned around so the girl could see his face.
His six eyes looked at her.

"-You look like a spider,Mister!"-She said.
"-Aren't you scared of my face?"-He questioned her this time.
"No!Why would I be scared?It's cute!"She replied happily,smiling.

'Cute?Since when is my face cute?!'Kokushibo thought.

He was never called cute
He was always called ugly or a monster.

Kokushibo was happy he wasn't called any of those things.

The demon patted the girl's head.

"-I will take you to your village."-He said.
"-Yayy!Thank you Mister Spider!"She thanked the tall man.
"-My name is Kokushibo.What's tour name?"Kokushibo asked.
"-I'm Y/n,Mister Kokushibo!"-Y/n told the man.
"-Well then.Nice to meet you,Y/n."
"-Nice to meet you too,Mister Kokushibo!"
"-What's your village's name?"Kokushibo asked Y/n.
"-Inakami!"-She quickly answered.
"-Inakami,huh?Hmmm.Let me think."-He thought.
"-Oh!I know where it is!"-He remembered.

They walked for some time.

"-Mister Kokushibo,I'm tired.My legs ache."-Y/n complained.
"-Get on my back."-The demon told the mortal,crouching down a little.

The girl got on the demon's back hugging his neck.

"-Thank you,Mister Kokushibo!"-She thanked the man once again.

And so they walked to the village.

"-We're here."-Kokushibo announced.

Y/n jumps off Koku's back.

"-Thank you,Mister Kokushibo!"The little girl said and hugged him.
"-You're welcome,Y/n."-He surprisingly hugged her back.

They pulled away from the hug and Y/n ran back home.

Kokushibo was sad he lost a friend but like someone once said "All the good things end as quickly as they started."

The End!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this one-shot!

Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon/scenario!
I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.
Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can bcs I have school and play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

486 words

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