Rui One-Shot

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Female Demon Reader
3rd pov

H/C=Hair color

Info:Y/n is a normal demon that happened to stumble across Mount Natagumo.
Rui really loves and cherishes you.

"Play Date"

Y/n was a regular demon,who stumbled across a certain mount.

Mount Natagumo

The Spider Family's home.

When she found it,she walked a bit up the mount because curiosity was killing her.
She eventually found a little boy.

"-What are you doing here?"-The pale little demon asked.
"-Oh well.I was walking near this mount and walked up here"-She plainly answered.
"-You shouldn't have come here."-He told the female demon.
"-I will leave then,sorry."-Y/n apologized.
"-No.You aren't allowed to leave anymore.You're my friend now."-The little demon stated.
"-Ehh?Sure!What's your name?"-Y/n asked.
"Rui.What's yours?"-The male demon questioned.
"-It's Y/n.Your name is very pretty."-Y/n complimented Rui.

He just stayed silent at that.

"-Come meet my family."-The white haired said in a low voice,but loud enough for the girl to hear.
She simply nodded and followed him up the mount.

They stopped in front of a tradicional Japanese house.

Timeskip:After Y/n met everyone of the Spider Family.

"-It was very nice to meet you all,but I have to go home as I also happen to have a family to take care of."-Y/n informed them.
"-Will you come back tomorrow to play,Y/n?"-Rui asked Y/n.
"-I will try to."-She vaguely responded.
"-Ok."-Rui plainly said.

The demon girl then walked back home.

She came back the next night,and the next one,and the next one and the next one.

They really loved each other.

The End!<3

Hi there!
Thank you for reading this one-shot!
Feel free to request a one-shot/headcannon/scenario!
I do not write NSFW content bcs I feel uncomfortable with it,so please do not request any NSFW one-shots/headcannons.
Also english is not my first language,so I am deeply sorry if I wrote anything wrong,feel free to correct it in the comments!
I'll try to post as much as I can bcs I have school and play sports!
Stay safe everyone!

382 words

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