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He pointed a gun to my face and I'm terrified for my life 

"Pick one " he says " either die by this gun or marry me to stay alive"

I panic , how can I marry a mafia murderer , dying would be better . 

But I am just 25 how can I die so ear-

"I will count to 3 and if you don't answer I'll shoot you" he says .

" 1 ..... 2...... 3 " 

You might think how the hell did I get stuck in this kind of situation .

* Few hours ago*

Today I was gonna leave early but I got unlucky as I got another emergency case in which I had to go to the address given to me and do the surgery there itself 

As soon as I reached there I saw a big royal Mansion, it was covered with black and a little bit of silver paint and the mansion looked breathtaking as if a king lived in it . There were man standing in an all black suit and guns in their arms , I thought that something's wrong but then it struck me that the patient might be a VIP so I casually entered the mansion 

One of them who I think was the head guided me to a room where I saw a patient on ventilator who was severely bleeding 

"How long has he been bleeding like this?" I asked the man standing next to him.

"Only half an hour , I think he will survive it's no big deal" he said , I was shocked at how unbothered he was

"He will die if we don't treat him right now , give me some space please" I said but the guards just stood there , I was annoyed and then the man who was definitely not a guard gave them a nod and the guards started leaving , the men guarding left the room but the man who talked to me earlier was still standing there

Without getting distracted by him I looked at the wound and prepared my tools to stitch it. I stitched the cut that was very deep. It took me an hour or more .

" He will survive a day with this but take him to the hospital as soon as possible" I told the man

"Ok just stay out and my men will drop you" he said without even looking at me or thanking me.

I left after that 

I have never seen a man this rude and handsome, like amazingly handsome, I mean he has eyes of the ocean , I can totally swim in them , his height and his body , oh my gawd he is so damn muscular and don't think of me as a creep but he is kinda hot and sexy and totally DADDY material.

As I am thinking all this I hear a gunshot, others would totally run away from hearing a gunshot but since I'm a doctor I ran as fast as possible to the room and saw a guard holding the gun and the patient on the bed , fucking dead! 

Shit I panicked and ran away as I was afraid that they might do something to me too , as I started running I heard footsteps behind me 

The Mansion was located in a jungle. I ran as soon as possible but suddenly fell right on my face and the man held my hand and locked me against his chest , my back facing his chest as he spoke in my ear.

"Well there there little boy , now that's something you shouldn't have seen , pity that I'll have to kill someone this pretty" He says and points a gun to my head & I out of pure fear start crying as I have never been pointed by a gun.

"Pl..plea..please do.. don't kill me , I won't say a word, I'll do anything just please " I say stuttering and sobbing.

I think this is the day I die , Jesus please save me.

A/n : this is the kind of Mansion I imagined but you can use your imagination too ✨And how was the first chapter ?, do lemme know in the comments please✨Also do you like the cover or should I change it?

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A/n : this is the kind of Mansion I imagined but you can use your imagination too ✨
And how was the first chapter ?, do lemme know in the comments please✨
Also do you like the cover or should I change it?

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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