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I headed to my room after maismo left and jumped flat on my bed, I screamed in my pillow, masimo was the sweetest fucking seducer. He seduced me like it was so easy and that made me go pink in front of him. Out of excitement I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called for clothes to try on and few bracelets and chains and stuff to buy it for our date. This time it was an actual date, not a forced one but the actual one and I wanted it to be perfect.

I showered and arranged my bed and after half an hour everything arrived. The clothes were dreamy and the jwellery was so pretty that I could literally eat it. I tried on everything that got my attention and almost bought half the store. The outfit that I was gonna wear on my date was pretty decent. A beige sweatshirt and a light brown jacket on it, a mini chunky chain and a few rings, a pair of black straight legged jeans and brown boots beneth it. I bought almost 4 to 5 pairs of boots since I love them soo much.

Everything was ready the only thing was masimo's work and I was hoping that it would get over soon so that we can go on our first date. I ate dinner by myself and glanced over the staircase that led to the basement again and again. I knew masimo was there since there were more bodyguards then usual, I was worried whether he had eaten or not or whether I should wait for him or not. But since it was 10 pm already I had dinner and headed towards the staircase to the basement but the bodyguards stopped me

"You know who I'm right?" I said with a death stare, how dare they stop me from meeting masimo

"We're just following the orders and you're not allowed to enter" one of the bodyguards said

It was strange as the last time I was in a hurry they let me in and I met masimo but this time it was different as if they were hiding something big from me I was really curious

"Well can you ask masimo to come outside It's urgent" I said and they informed mika and hopefully he informed maismo

"You can head to your room, the boss will be there in the next 10 minutes" they said and I left

I waited in my room and after good 15 minutes maismo return, his sleeves covered in blood and his joggers .

"You needed something from me sweetheart?" He asked in a soft tone

"Well you were in there for like hours, aren't you tired yet? Sleep here with me" I tapped beside my place

"I'll just clean myself and join you in a minute "

He headed to the closet fetched a silk robe and was about to enter shower but stopped in his steps and turned , he took 2 big steps and was standing at the foot of the bed and caging me between his legs. He then tugged a lil of my hair and wrapped his hand around my nape and was about to kiss my lips but my hand came between our mouths.

"What happened?" He aksed confused

"Well I don't know its kinda sudden" I reply, I wanna kiss him too but I still feel that we aren't that close enough yet to kiss on lips daily though the idea of randomly kissing each other send a shover to my groin. Fuck I want to kiss him day and night

"It's only a matter of time that you get adjusted and then not even God himself can stop me from devouring you entirely" he plants a kiss on my forehead and disappears in the shower and I was left all red on the bed and kinda semi hard with the imagination of him devouring me but I stopped thinking about that since i didn't wanna get hard and fuck my fist with the fear in my heart of masimo stepping out of the shower anytime.

After what felt like eternity masimo came out of the shower and I pop opened one of my eyelid, he was breathtakingly handsome, I still don't understand how can anyone survive his naked body while having sex. I blush again while an image comes to miy mind but I shove it off but jot fast enough since masimo sees me red and plops on thw bed besides me.

"I think you really like my body" he says and laughs, which makes my heart melt , the words slip out of my mouth without my permission

"Who wouldn't" and his amused look makes me embarassed and I turn away from him but before I could do that he slides an arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest.

His chest is full of warmt and his scent lingerie around it mixed with his shower gell. I move my hand towards his body and rest it on his chest feeling the rising and falling of his chest. I don't dare look at him because looking at him will trun my already semi hard dick into a stony one and I don't want that right now. I want to fuck him yes but right now he looks wayy too tired and I wouldn't want to force him for anything. And as if  he knew what was going on my mind and the look of desperation on my face he brought his left palm and started caressing my cheek with his thumb.

He tilted his head a little and placed a kiss on my forehead and planted kisses all over my face which made me squeak and giggle and masimo started laughing too. Then I looked up and said something I didn't think would ever leave my mouth

"You're breathtakingly handsome you know?" I asked not wanting to break the eye contact

"No I don't, tell me more about it" he asks instead

"Well you have the perfect eye shape like an almond, you have the most beautiful eye colour that reminds me of ocean, the perfect sharp edged nose, the heart shaped lips that are way too plump right now that I want to kiss the life out of it and that jawline could slice through any fruit " after saying all these things he laughs and not the fake one but actual laugh that burns my centre and spreads warmth all over my body.

'NO' a sound comes from my brain stopping me from thinking more about masimo or the way he laughs or the way his body warms mine , the way his thumb rubs my cheekbone. I shouldn't fall for him, no not at all. It's only physical need that is making me think about all this, my actual plan is and was always to divorce him after putting the culprit behind the bars for my parent's death.

I push him away and turn on my side of the bed and pull the blanket over me, he shooks me but I don't reply, he even asks me if I'm okay but I still don't reply . After some time he switches off the lights and goes to sleep.

In the middle of the night at around 3 I get up with thirst disturbing my sleep cycle, I groan and place my feet down and stand up. As I head to the kitchen I hear some muffled screams from the door where masimo keeps his enemies, I know I shouldn't think about it but something feels familiar and makes me want to open the door and look who's the enemy this time. But I don't I go to the kitchen and drink some water but curiosity increases inside me when I hear another muffled scream so I drop my glass and all the bodyguards guarding the door rush up towards the kitchen, I dunk my head down the counter and slowly move out of the kitchen secretly and open the door towards the basement and shut it slowly. I slowly take 2 flights at a time because if I cause a scene masimo is going to skin me alive for messing with his business. When I reach the basement I see blood all over the walls and the room red lit to make if look more horrifying I guess as I move towards the body tied to a chair I slowly see resemblance and that doesn't sit with me and just when I'm about to reach them someone puts a black cloth on my eyes and the image blurs.

A/n: guyss sorry for the very late update, well I've been busy with uni and exams, I'll try to update nore frequently. Just bare with me for few more chapters and then you can read the entire story thousand times without waiting for another chapter.
Bye babis😚

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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