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Ian's POV

"So ummmm do you mind me asking about your parents?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face. I would've felt uncomfortable if he would've asked me normally but getting my permission before talking about my parents changed my mind.

"No, well it's not like I don't wanna talk about them it's just that I feel sad remembering them and their out of the blue accidental death .

"What happened to them?" He asked and then I started to tell him all about my parents death

"It was a normal day, my dad was CHIEF OF POLICE (the highest rank in police in the US). He was always a busy man and my mom was a normal music instructor at a high school. She played all the instruments and worked there for more than 5 years. My mom and dad married out of love, they first met in an event held at a church and the next thing you know they started dating and then after months of dating they married each other".

"My father was always respected and he was the best at his job but he was so busy that he didn't have time to spend with me or my brother. But we never complained about it as we knew that for him the country always came first ".

"Every month we had this one tradition to go out and have dinner at a good place and have fun and talk about everything that might excite us and that day was the day we were going to go out to have a good dinner after skipping it for the last 2 months. Since father could take us out on that particular day we had to leave my brother and the idea of him tagging along as he was in another city for an educational trip. It was a pretty normal day, the sky was pinkish violet and the streetlights shone brighter than usual. It had just rained before we drove off so the smell of the soil seeped into my soul".

"We reached an amazing restaurant that was all shiny from the outside as well as from the inside. The restaurant had an option to either dine in or dine out in their beautiful lawn that had lights on the side of the walking area and had tables with beautiful white cloth on it.I really love the entire space. Dad and mom ordered the food and we shared so many stories and daily gossips to each other, I would share my daily accomplishments and my dad would share inspiring stories about his youth and about his colleagues. Mom usually was a good listener so she always listened to us with a smile on her face. She would give amazing reactions to our story which made us know that she was indeed listening".

"After a good dinner we all left, as a kid I was tired so I slept in the back of the car and I remember maa covering me up with her soft dark brown shawl that I loved the most. After a while I woke up yawning and asked dad how long it would be for us to reach home and I still remember him saying that 'we are almost there buddy ' when suddenly a big truck from the left side of the road came in and crashed with our car. Our car went rolling down the road and after a few turns it stopped. I was unharmed with tiny scratches here and there. I moved my hand and tapped on my mother's shoulder but there was no reply, I did the same with my dad. I started crying and calling their names loudly as I tried to wake them up but none of them responded and that's when I fainted. My brother hurried back from Georgia and took almost care of everything. He was just 17 or 18 and he took care of everything, the funeral. Since our mom and dad had kept a good amount of money behind them for us we survived on our own for the next 6 to 7 years and then eventually my brother and I started working. Since our dad had the highest post my brother got offered to join the police and since from the start he wanted to be a police officer he joined the next day itself" I told him the entire story and then looked at him. His face showed an emotion of concern and pity. I could look at him and say that he felt sorry for me but I was used to getting those kinds of looks whenever I told someone my tragic story.

Finally after minutes of silence he spoke up "Do you know who the truck driver was, or was it intentional?" He asked

"Well it wasn't intentional, the truck driver gave the statement of him being drunk and losing control. He was arrested and is in jail right now" I couldn't believe that I told him everything about my parents and almost everything about me. There was never much about me , I was wayy too simple for anyone who wanted to understand me and I literally had no drama in my life either I was like an open book.

After our meal we left and drove back to our Mansion. Masimo and I entered the room and I sat down on the bed as I was a bit sleepy

"This week or this entire month I'll probably be busy and might not have time to eat with you or check upon you so for just this period of time you can work at your hospital for 3 days a week" he said

"Wh--what 3 days a week, is the hospital owned by you that they'll allow me to work like that? I work in the ER department as a surgeon, they'll fire me the 1st day itself" I say

"Yes it is owned by me so you can work there whenever you want and about your phone mika will give it to you tomorrow, I'll have my number saved and mika's too in case you are in any danger or you need my help okay?" He asked and I nodded, I was too shocked by the fact that he owned a hospital and a school that he told me about during our conversation. He told me that he owned a lot of properties around here in SOUTH CAROLINA so it was expected but a hospital and a school is too much I guess.

After this he took a shower got dressed in his black silk robe as always, I don't know why but he always wore a black or a white silk robe at night. Since i was tired masimo ordered to dine in in our room. Soon the food came and we had dinner together. While eating and even after eating we made small talk since he had to leave, after 5 more minutes he got up the chair walked towards my direction and kissed me on the forehead

"I'll mostly be in my office or out of town so see you soon" he left and I was obviously shocked by one of his sudden actions.

Next day I woke up and got ready to leave for my work. I was soo happy that I could finally be at my 2nd home and do my favourite thing in the world even though it was tiring I loved my job very much.

Masimo had ordered a bodyguard to stay by my side and we reached to the hospital. Just after entering the hospital I saw the one I wanted to see and the one I truly loved and who was the most beautiful and kindest woman in the world. It had been months since I saw her last. OLI was one of the humans that I truly loved besides my brother. She was always kind to me and helped me through a lot of personal and professional issues. She was also a surgeon at ER so we were always together you can call it Stockholm syndrome but I really loved her and she still had a tiny place in my heart.

"Hi Ian long time no see, are you alright?" She asked in the most gentle and sweetest voice ever

"Yes I'm fine, just had some business to attend" I replied with a smile, my heart started beating so fast but suddenly my heart stopped beating when I looked down at her ring finger and I couldn't even blink I was soo surprised and shocked. She caught me looking at her ring so she spoke first--

"I'm sorry that you couldn't attend my wedding, I invited you but your brother told me you were busy and out of town. But you can always come by sometime, my husband would love to meet one of my dearest friend " I was still unable to blink or move

"H--how?" I asked and she quickly understood what I was asking

"Love" she said

A/n : The stories gonna take a brutal turn soon so be ready guys😚✨
Also you guys must read on and off and dangerous convenience store manga .
Also go and watch WE BEST LOVE 1ST AND 2ND SEASON , you'll love it❤️

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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