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My head was throbbing from pain and I was unable to move any of my body parts, my hands and legs so stiff that I partly thought I'm paralyzed for life. I made efforts to open my eyes but it took me a lot of tries and after some time I finally opened them and found myself in a plain white sad room with hell alot of lights . The room was wayy too bright for my liking too white. Why the hell are there sooo many lights in just one room ughhhhhfuvkskskns.

Suddenly I heard the door open and saw ian coming out of it , I released a happy sigh, I don't know why but I am happy that he didn't get hurt at all and happy to see him here and it feels good to know that when you are injured there is someone to take care of you and there is someone who's afraid to loose you though I don't think ian might be afraid to loose me but we don't know what the future holds for us yet.

He comes rushing towards my side in 3 long and furiously fast strides and baammm a slap to my face and not a small one but a proper angry slap fucking hard slap, the sound pf the slap echoing in the entire room. That gets corner of my lower lip bleeding and I wince by that mere injury though I've had worse.

"What the hell , why did you fucking hit me?" I yell at him and my voice comes out all angry and harsh but I lower it as I see his face full of sadness and anger and fear

"Asshole if you wanna die then do that in front of others , I am not a mafia or one of them , I ain't used to all this Fucking bloodshed , I was so terrified when the shooting was going on and my heart dropped when they hit you and you fell lifeless . I am a dr. I save people so how the hell do you expect me to watch them die as you put bullets in them" he says and grabs the chair aggressively and sits besides me.

"Hey I'm sorry but I didn't plan all this purposely, you know I'm the successor and soon I'll become the mafia so everyone wants to kill me and when i say everyone i mean EVERY FUCKING ONE. " I say

"So can't you kill the ones who try to kill you , or can't you just bring guards with you?" He asks

"Kitten today I wanted to take you out for dinner & that's the reason we had no bodyguards shadowing us , I never knew that something like this will happen today though I had a gut feeling that without our bodyguards the news will be spread at a speed of rocket. And don't worry I came to know who sent those thugs so I'll surely kill them because no one harms me or my husband. I hate it when others try to attack' someone I care about" i say storing his cheek with my thumb and grasping his chin in my hand and then I look at Ian , his reaction is priceless and I can see tears in his eyes which he is holding back .

"Please don't get hurt in the future again , I was really worried that something might've happened to you, if you die everyone will come after me and without you by my side I can't even imagine what they'd do to me. If you dragged me in this clan be fucking responsible and stay alive for me atleast" he says and I smile and then he smiles too . Omg I guess I'm all cured just by his pretty smile❤️

Suddenly the door opens and mika enters , he looks at us confused and asks weather he should stay or leave but I ask him to stay as I've few orders that he needs to carry out.

"Sir do you have any idea who must've attacked you yesterday?" He asks

"Yeah I figured that out when I saw the MIYAAZ CARTEL'S TATTOO on one of them " I say and mika seems to be shocked

"I don't know why they are attacking all of a sudden, has something happened mika that I'm still unaware of?" I ask

" Its your father sir " he says and anger Starts boiling in my head , I remove the needle from my hand and get up but as I try to get off of my bed suddenly a small hand pushes me back to sleep .

"Hey you aren't healed yet so keep your fucking job aside and put your ass at ease and rest first', you won't be able to kill anyone unless you are one injury away from dying. So get your ass back and rest and don't you dare think of moving an inch out of this room unless I say so . Right now in here I'm the boss not you so sleep your killing mood away " he says I and mika we both shocked as hell how he talked to me without any fear , our jaws literally dropped by his entire speech 👁️👄👁️

I move back and lay down again, ian inserts the needles in my hand and pinches it as a punishment I guess but I didn't even feel it, he does some things around with I don't know weird looking devices, I guess he is seeing my blood pressure and diabetes and I don't know what but watching him take care of me like this assures me that now he doesn't hate me that much and maybe we can have a normal happy life too .
After sometime I fall asleep as tiredness takes over me .

A/n: obviously only husbands care about each other , right?😂

Hey guys sorry for the recent delays, I want to announce that from now on I'll post 1 chapter a week since my school started and I'll be busy.

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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