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I'm lying on the bed still tied up, it's been days or hours I don't really remember. It's been a while since I last ate and I'm hungry as hell but I won't eat the food made in this mansion at all.

A loud knock comes on the door that makes me jerk up but I can't get up as I am still fucking tied up like a prisoner, I hated it soo much that I could literally kill him but the thought of it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

The same lady enters the room, she constantly comes here from the past few hours or days,  with food on the tray again. I've denied her the previous times she came to feed me but she won't budge

"It's time for you to eat, it's been a day since you last ate and I'm worried that your health might worsen than it already is, please eat this" she says in a low sweet voice that could've swayed me earlier but right now it's literally poison to my ears

"I said I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat so please leave me alone" I say with my teeth gritted

"Sir but boss------ " she starts to speak but I stop her mid sentence

"Do you think that I care about what your boss says? I don't so leave"

She turns on her heel and heads towards the door and in a second she's gone.

Just after 5 minutes the door opens again and I start boiling with anger

"How many times do I need to repeat myself, I don't want to Fucking eat just leave me the hell alone" I say breathing heavily due to anger

"What did I say about using abusive words in my house? I didn't pay attention last time but that doesn't mean I allowed you to use those words again" a voice that I nearly hate comes from the door and I try to ignore it but I can't and the way he speaks scares the shit out of me, the memories come back if how ruthless and rude and unhinged he was and he would give punishments as if it a were a free snack

"We weren't enemies back then" I say and regret it the moment he starts appearing in the room and walks slowly towards the bed ans then he's so close he's just an inch away and then he sits down besides me. Slowly and very smoothly must I add he puts his hand on my thigh

"Wh.... what the hell do you think you are doing, remove your hand from my thigh" I say stuttering a bit since the look in his eyes is not a good one

"You are still my husband and I have every right on that body of yours and also next time be careful of what you say, no one tells me what to do, no one" he says and then starts drawing circles on my thigh with his thumb

"What are you doing?"

"Shushhhh, it's been a long time since I taught you a lesson, I guess I became way too lenient with you that you forgot how to behave, I guess I'll have to brush up your memory again" and then he moves his hand from my mid thigh to my upper thight and then he abruptly does something that startles the shit out of me

He grabs and caresses my dick through my pants very slowly at first', and my body betrays me at that moment. My dick doesn't even take time, it gets hard just after a few strokes and that's when masimo smirks

"Looks like you're enjoying it" he says

"I would rather die then enjoy something filthy like this" I say

"See I told you, that pretty mouth of yours will bring you great trouble" he says and I regret everything I said until now , I guess I should've just stayed quiet.

His hands stroke my dick through my pant and then he moves his hand upwards slowly feeling all the muscles of my body and slipping his hand in my t shirt and slowly pulling it up revealing my abs and my chest, my nipples hard and throbbing due to friction with the cloth. His hand comes around my chest and his thumb starts drawing circles on my nipple and I try so hard to stop any noise coming out of my mouth, I bite my lip to avoid screaming ot moaning. And then he flicks my nipple hard with his forefinger which gets him a moan from me

"See you're enjoying, so stop lying and be nice"  he says

"I shouldn't be liking something like this and you shouldn't either, if what you say is true than I'm son of the man who raped your mother and because of him she's now dead and I can't enjoy this because you are son of the man who killed my parents and I can't be with you, I shouldn't be" I start crying, I tried to hold it in but that seemed impossible and finally I broke down in front of him

It's been days or even weeks , I didn't know when did it start but I started liking him and the moment I realised that I hated myself so much because I liked the person whose father killed both my parents mercilessly and I shouldn't be like this, I shouldn't be liking that murderers son of all people but I do , I can't stop this stupid heart either. I just accepted it and moved on, avoiding him wouldn't work because he's an asshole and a stubborn little shit, once I tried that he was so pissed that he glared at me throughout the day and even at night.

"Just please stay away, I beg you please masimo, I can't take it anymore" I say

"What is it? Is it because I'm forcing you or somethibg? You've never not wanted this, you did like your will taken by me so what is it now?" He asks seriously and confused

"I......fuck I....."

"I what, WHAT is it for god's sake tell me what is it?" He says

"I fucking like you and I hate that I like you and no matter what I do I just can't hate you even if I want to so please fucking get away from me, it hurts , it hurts right here" I say crying and tap my fist over my heart strongly, 2 to 3 times, he holds my hand in his and hugs me, that was nit something I was expecting ever, I never thought masimo would do something this soft

"Shushhhh shushhh, its okay, I feeel the same so don't hurt yourself, don't blame yourself" he says

"What? What is the same? Is it that you hate me?, Oh my gawd do you hate me?" I ask pulling back from his embrace

"No, no what the hell no, you extracted that from what I said, I meant"

"Yeah what did you mean, tell me " I say

"Okay well I think I like you too" he says and hugs me again to avoid our eyes


"The hell, why would you think I'm lying, why would I lie about something so serious?" He says

"I don't believe you"

And then he holds my cheeks in his hands and his lips touch mine very swiftly and softly, he kisses me slowly as if he's savoring me and my taste, and then he swipes his tongue on my lips to make me open my mouth and it does instinctively, and then he devours me as if there's no tomorrow, he kisses me so hard and fast that I moan in his mouth but that doesn't make him stop, he kisses me until we're both breathles and then he slowly pulls away and faces me, his eyes focused on me

"I like you, now is that genuine enough?" He asks and I nod , finally there's something I like about my current situation but that brings the entire scenerio in front of me

"But.." he stops me

"I'll tell you the truth so keep that thought out of your mind because I don't have any intentions of leaving you, not right now and not in future"

A/N - hey guys, I'm writing another book and will be posting it after this book ends.
What genre do you think I'm writing?

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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