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"So what happened and who killed them if it was not you and why didn't You go after the man ?"

"I didn't know who did that to your mother at first since no one was caught in the cctv and your mother was not in a state where she could speak so I tried my best to find anything I vould, I asked John to keep trying, one day a call came from the hospital and the Dr. Told me that your mother was asking for me and that she had something to say to me, I rushed over there . There were only 4 humans in your mother's hospital room that day, me, john, that police officer andre and the dr. Incharge" he says

"And?" I ask

"Well at that time your mother opened her eyes and looked around and started panicking when she saw that fucker, I asked her what was it and the words that left her mouth were it... it's......him

And then she pointed her finger in the police's direction and then done, she died on the spot because of extreme stress, after that I was busy in funeral so didn't get a chance to investigate about it but I had john do the work"

The night of the funeral I get thebnews that the police officer with his wife and a kid is dead and the wife died too, the kid was taken to the hospital. I was relieved and angry that I didn't get a chance to kill him myself, but since it was announced as an accident I didn't bother looking into the case"

"Why the hell are you telling me all this now? Hou could you hide such a big thing from me?" I ask angrily and leave the house in a rush and head towards the ocean near to my father's mansion

I stand there and after a whiel a hand taps on my shoulder, it's uncle john

"What's up buddy, why are you here all alone?" He asks

"You knew and you didn't tell me, I thought we were close" I say

"Well sometimes somethings are better left alone so that it doesn't hurt in anyway " he says

"You should've told me, it was about my mother My mother and you guys thought that it was okay to keep this piece of information from me for the rest of my life? I don't even want to see your faces, how could you ughhhhh aaaahhhhhh" i scream my lungs out

"It's okay shusshhh, it's all doen the revenge was taken so shushhh"

"I know it was you" I say and the way he retracts his hand and goes stiff , as if someone has opened his deepest darkest secret in the light

"What do you know?" He asks

"That you were the one who was driving the truck and you were the one who killed them, why didn't you say anything to father, he would've been happy to know you took revenge on his behalf"

"Or he would've been angry and totally killed me because he didn't get a chane to torture the guy" he completes the sentence

"Then why didbyou do that and when do you plane on telling this to father, it's not good to hide something form him you know that right?"

"Yeah I know that and the reason I killed them was out of pure hatred and anger, your mother was the closest I had to a friend and the day she died I lost it and the next thing I know is that I killed the guy who killed her and I was afraid that your father would kill me because I stole the opportunity of him torturing and killibg that guy so I made it look like it was an accident " he says

"Okay so that's how ut went, but did you guys find any other evidence to confirm that it was Andre?" I ask

"No, you mother's actions were the final verdict "

"I'll leave now, I've things to do" I say and turn around when uncle jihn speaks again

"Don't tell this to your father, please " I nod and leave


I enter my bedroom and look at the figure who fell asleep on the floor with his head on the bed, I stalk towards him and remove hair from his face and then realise that he is the kid of the man who killed my mother and that I shouldn't be adoring him and I should probably kill him and his brother as a form of revenge. I snap out from thise thoughts when his eyes twitch and slowly open, and when he notices me his eyes open widely in shock and he tries to get up but the ropes tied to his wrists only tightens further and a hiss leaves his mouth.

He's hurting, it's nice, it should feel good but I don't know why seeing him hurt does weird things to me , like wanting to destroy whatever hurts him or whoever hurts him

"Do you have any other evidence that it was uncle john?" I ask

"Even if I did I will never tell you so fuck off" he says

"Drop that attitude or I'll fuck it out of you" I say displeased and irritated

"It was uncle john indeed, he was the one who killed your father, his intention was on killing your father alone but unfortunately your mother died in that accident too" I say and get up

"Why the hell would you guys kill my father? What did he ever do to you that you killed him?" He asks with a tone that shows he's on the verge of crying and his eyes shimmering with unshed tears

"Because your father, raped my mother and left her to die and after a week my mother died due to excessive pain" I hold his tee shirt in my hand and exhale and inhale deeply, his face shows a confused expression

"And you are the son of the fucker who raped my mother and killed her, and I'm the worst son my mother could get because I should kill you but just thinking about it hurts me" i get up and leave after saying

"You'll stay with me for your entire life paying your father's debt and yes this will be your prison, I'll deal with your brother afterwards" and then I leave

I walk down the stairs and head towards the basement

"He's all yours, do whatever you want, kill him, sell him whatever but take him out of here" I speak to mika about what to do with ben

This day has been the worst day of my life, I've never felt guilty about liking something forbidden but my heart hurts when I think that I'm in love with the man who's father raped my mother and killed her. The entire day passes by and the only thing that goes in my head is


I've no choice but to tell father that uncle jo aahn was the one who killed tyat fucker because he deserves to know atleast this much

"Hello father, I've something to tell you and it's related to uncle john, so try not to kill him okay?" I speack to my father on phone

"Yeah go ahead" he says

"Uncle john was the one who killed that fucker police"

The line goes silent and for a moment I think he ended the call but then he speaks and my entire world crumbles with confusion

"How can he kill him when he didn't even know that the officer was the one who raped your mother, when your mother was pointing no one other than me saw it and no one heard a thing she said since she spoke in a low voice. And I didn't utter a word to john as it wasn't confirmed and then I got busy with your mother's funeral, so how come he knew? no one in the entire clan knows about anything related to your mother's death not even uncle john" he says

That's when everything starts making sense

"Where was uncle john the night mother was raped?" I ask

"He was not with me since he had to take care of something in our town with the XX clan"

"And when mum pointed at the police where exactly was uncle standing ?" I ask again

The silence lingers between them for moments and then very slowly he replies in a low voice " to my left, in front of the officer, fuck tell me what I'm thinking is not the truth, tell me it's just an illusion or a mistake , fucking tell me masimo" he says angrily

"Well I think andre wasn't the one who raped mother and from what I've gathered till now it seems it's no one other than , UNCLE JOHN"

A/n : Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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