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I guess I fainted after someone strangled me with a black cloth covering my eyesight. The moment I got up I was lying in our room, my body heating up under the silk sheets. I sat up confused when a sudden chill ran through the room and I moved my gaze from my bed to the chair at the corner of the room.

The big lean figured masimo was sitting on it, his elbows on his thighs and his hands fidgeting with a bullet. A shiver of fear ran through me at the thought that he might've heard about me sneaking my brother in the mansion and helping him in putting masimo to jail for good but I trusted my brother more, he would die rather than mentioning me in any of our plans.

My brother was strong and I knew he couldn't be broken so easily but the last image of him all bloody and tied up in a chair, ragged breathing, everything about that scene made my vision go red. I couldn't see my brother suffering and I guess it was time for me to save him from probably a  torturous death.

"You're awake" masimo spoke, I was soo indulged in my thoughts I didn't even know when he came and sat besides me on the bed

"Yeah, I never slept you know, it was forced" I said in a hurtful and sarcastic tone

"I killed him" he said

Terror, fear, shock, sadness everything clouded my thoughts, he killed my brother? Was that the reason he was looking so apologetic, was that the reason for softness in his tone. I abruptly got up from the bed but my limbs too weak from the shock and I lost my balance but luckily a warm hand snaked my waist to steady me. His body readiate so much warmth that I wanted to hug him and stay there all day and night. But I pushed all those thoughts out of my mind, this was my brother's murderer nothing else. I removed his hand from my waist and started pacing around the room.

" could you?" A little sob left my mouth and that's when a change occurred in his demeanor.

"I killed the man who put a cloth on your head" relief flooded thorough my veins and I sat on the bed again before I fell off again without balance.

"Please, please don't do this next time, I would've had a freaking heart attack nonetheless" I sighed

"I've done nothing, he didn't have the right to put hands on something that is mine" he said and my heartbeats fastened

"Okay well I guess it is normal to kill people around here, why is my brother in there?" I asked without mentioning how bad his condition was and why did he do stuff like that to him

"Your brother has committed a crime and now he's receiving the punishment for it" he said looking me dead in the eyes

"He's the police man not you, you are in no position to punish my brother for his crimes" I whispered yell

"Well some mistakes are unforgivable" he said

"Your brother leaked false information about me to his Little minions in the police office which caused me a huge loss and a headache, I fucking hate headaches" he said when I couldn't reply

"He's lucky that you're his brother or mika would've been burying his body right now"

"Can I go and talk to my brother for a few moments" I asked with pleading puppies eyes but that didn't work

"I can't allow that" he replied

"Please, he's my brother, how can I not be worried about him, just this once" I tried again

"Ian I said no, this is work and he is a fucking traitor, the only thing I hate the most is liars and traitors and I'm not letting you meet him that's final" he said

Without any thoughts of how to persuade him in letting me go, I got up from the bed and sat on my haunches in front of him, I placed my hands on his thigh and slowly caressed all the way up to his belt. He grunted and cursed silently. The moment I started to undo his belt his hands stopped mine . I looked up at him and that was all it took for me to convince him. He cursed again and it was inaudible but his eyes showed a little bit of softness. He moved his hands from my hands and brought it to my nape, he bended down and before I could speak he caught me in an amazing kiss. It was rough and kind of depicted as if he was claiming his ownership but then it became all soft and tender. The touch of his tongue on my lip, the way he sucked my tongue and explored my mouth was a huge turn on, to be honest I was never turned on by a kiss the way masimo's slight touch did. He gave a peck on my lips and said

"This is the only time I'll be breaking a rule, the next time shit like this happens it'll be over, okay?" I felt a pang of ache in my  heart from the way he said this, I remembered that even I was betraying him and that hurt like  hell

I got up slowly and as if he would change his mind again I ran over towards the stairs and directly to the  basement, the bodyguards knew that I was coming so they cleared the way for me, I entered and there he was all bloody and his head hanging low. Mika was sitting on his haunches near him and he was talking to ben.

I think that mika was threatening him so I went over and the moment he felt me there he shut his mouth gave me a curt nod and left the basement with an amusing smirk, I didn't know why he had that on his face instead of Anger but that didn't matter right now.

I sat near my brother and started wiping his hands and face with a handkerchief of mine, with tears falling from my eyes, ben noticed that and finally he spoke something

"OWW" he said when I wiped  blood from the cut on his lips

"Don't OWW at me, this cut is nothing for you, you've been through worst" I said angry and tears still falling from my eyes

"Shushh shushhh, if you know this is nothing then why the hell are you bawling like a baby?" He said

"Well all that time you weren't captured by the top mafia and in my husband's basement who hated liars and traitors and the only reason of you being alive is because you're my brother. They'll freaking kill you, cut you into thousand pieces and throw you into who knows which river or sea" I actually was bawling like a baby

"Chill baby brother, I'll escape from here and they won't be cutting me into pieces for sure" he soothed my hand with his

"How could you be so irresponsible, why did you leave any signs or traces of yourself, I told you didn't I, that you should erase every fucking evidence" I asked Anger taking a toll over me

"I know, I literally erased everything but that mika asshole freaking piece of shit found out a tiny evidence which I thought i had erased, I don't know how but I guess I forgot to delete a record from the trash bin and he found that" ben replied

"I'll help you" I said

"Help me with what?"

"I'll help you escape"

"No you won't, you'll silently go upstairs and sit in your bedroom, I can manage everything on my own"

"And see where that got you, you need my help, I'll help you, masimo won't do anything to me so don't worry, he likes me and he won't hurt me that's for sure" I said and started undoing his ropes

"Go to your room, you don't know how serious this is" he said in a warning tone

"I know and that's why I'm helping you, we did this together, I was also involved in this so there's no way I'm letting you die in here " I said

"What are you talking about?" A voice full of Anger and resentment came from the entrance of the basement and I stood up with force and almost lost my balance but I managed myself and faced towards the dark voice.

A/n: I know guys I'm very late with the update but sorry medical is tough so didn't get time to write the chapters, I'll try to update all the chapters as soon as possible, till then enjoy and take care✨

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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