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Even though I could stay in the hospital at night I didn't like the hospital's atmosphere so I got discharged late night and slept in but when I woke up the next morning there was someone else in my bed too sleeping with me and cuddling. I open my eyes and shift my gaze from the ceiling to the pretty boy lying besides me. Even though he's small and angry all the time he's still pretty as always, even if it's morning or night he always looks pretty . It should be illegal for someone to look this good but I'm lucky to have him all by myself.

I don't move much since ian is still sound asleep instead I start thinking about the night of accident. I know who was behind it but the weapons used to fire on me were different kinds. The bullets have never hurt me but this time it was different, I got to know from the investigation department that the bullet which pierced my arm was a specialised bullet , it was sharper than usual bullets and also it had a sharp wing on it just like the fin of the Shark.

These kinds of weapons have never been introduced in the market officially and this is the first time I've heard of him and since the cartel is not that capable to buy such expensive weapons just for me and I might just know who sponsored them but without a proof there is nothing I can do I ----

"Mowwningghh" ian grumbles

"Morning, we can cuddle all day I really don't mind kitten" I say and he winces and jumps out of the bed like a kangaroo, it's fun messing with him.

"I wasn't cuddling you were the one who kept me close.......stop smiling asshole" he says

"There you go using bad words again, do you want another punishment?" I look at him and he gets shy, that's new instead of fearing me he's getting all shy JESUS THAT'S BAD.

"I'm sorry, I won't have to keep saying bad words if you stop teasing me" he says and rushes to the bathroom

I sit up and start checking my phone when I see a message sent by an unknown number
' how was the surprise? Like it? '
I know who he is and he'll pay for what he did fucking bastard.

I call mika to get ready for a shoot out of the cartel , they get ready and I start getting ready too.

"You still need rest where are you going now?" Ian asks me

" There's a mission that needs to be completed or else things will get out of hand"

"But you are still---" I kiss his cheek and his eyes widen with shock and when he resumes to say something else I cut him off and say

"It's okay this is nothing, I'll come out alive don't worry"

" I'm not worried I'm just doing my job and since you are leaving can I go to the hospital to work as usual? You know that I wont run away now and---"

" We've already talked about this over and over, I'll let you free when I trust you enough and take a break from working you have everything you need in here so just stay and behave and I'll let you out" after saying this I mood turns from happy to grumpy × 10000

!!! THUD !!!

"Masimo are you alright?" Mika asks me

"I'm alright these are just scars to me but let's end them today, the entire cartel. Even if one of them leaves this place alive I'll kill you, understood?" Mika nods and leaves to shoot the cartel's assess out

I can always trust mika to do his job and I start shooting too. Half of our soldiers die due to the new weapons and the rest of us finish off the entire cartel .

"Good job everyone" I praise the alive soldiers and we all return.

"OHHH MYYYY GAWWDDDD, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" ian asks me in shock, it seems he had a shock of 10,000 volts but I smirk

"There's nothing good about this so stop smirking masimo" he says and rushes towards me. Well someone like him will obviously be shocked since my entire white t-shirt is covered in blood and there is blood dripping from my fore arm and hands

"Calm down its just a cut, there's no need to--- " i get cut off

"Remove you shirt right now" he says

"Who's being horny now?" I ask and his cheeks turn the brightest red but he shoots me a deathly glare that makes me remove my shirt instantly. I've never obeyed enyone in my entire life but this guy makes me do things no one would ever even think of.

He runs into the bathroom to get the first aid and makes me sit on the edge of the bed, I continuously blabber that there's no need for any of these but he ignores me and sits next to me on the bed.

"Turn to my side" he says and I nonetheless obey him

"Now this will hurt a little bit but bear it"

He starts cleaning up my wounds and all I do is stare at him, that concerned look on his face the worrisome feeling, I love it all on his face.

"Now I'll put on the bandage okay?" He asks me and looks at me and catches me looking at him and he stares at me with the same intensity. I don't move my gaze away and he doesn't either it's like a competition, it seems as if whoever will move their gaze first might die that instant. We stare at each other's eyes and suddenly his gaze drops to my lips and again to my eyes .

I take the hint and move a little bit closer to him, our faces moving slowly towards each other, our lips being 1 inch away from each other, we were about to kiss when someone knocks on the door and we both move away and ian jumps out of the bed and starts packing thr first aid kit and hands me the last bandage to apply it myself. I swear to god if the one who's knocking doesn't have anything important I'll rip his eyes off and shove it in his ass.

"You need to come to THE ROOM, he has agreed to speak" one of my guard informs me. Since the attack was a mystery I held the head of the cartel captive in my house. Even though I'm sure who's behind them I need proof and reassurance.

"I'll be there in a minute, Ian let's have lunch together in the bedroom, I'll be here in an hour so wait for me" I wink at him and Leave

"So tell me Max do you have a name or are you going to plea again because I am not going to let you live but I can guarantee a less painful death if you tell me the name. And if not than I'm going to skin you alive as you ruined my date with my husband and nothing more than that pisses me off" I tell him and pull a chair and sit infront of him with a knife in my hands.

"I..please leave me I won't say a word to anyone .....ple....please..aaahhh ahhhhh nnmmffgggggg...aaahhhhhhh...fuckkkk"

I start peeling his skin from his thighs

"Okay okay stop I'll tell you but please don't kill me, promise you won't kill me after I tell you his name" he pleads to me

"What you did deserves to die but it's on you whether you want a painful death or a normal death , Choose Max
Choose right now I don't have the time in the world for this rubbish-

"It... it's Mal....mal...." Banggg I shoot him in the head because I have confirmed now that it was fucking MALCOLM who gave them these weapons to kill me but I'm not that easy to kill and I'll make sure to repay him his kindness.

A/N : I really want to read manga and manhwa so drop the names in the comment section.

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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