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AUTHOR'S NOTE : Sorry for the delay

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"Ok he's fucking dead now " he says angrily while holding my hand and gets up dragging me behind him out of the room, I literally have no idea what he's gonna do next but I just silently follow him .

He asks his guard to gather all the guards who work for him, just after a minute or two, they all gather in the hallway, all of them standing straight as steel and holding their guns in their arms, they all bow their heads at once and keep them low unless masimo says. No one even dares to bring their head up until he does an action with his head of indicating them to bring their heads up

"Now lets play a game shall we boys?" He speaks loudly for all the guards to hear. I can already feel the atmosphere getting tense as hell

"The ones who answer correctly will live and the one who doesn't will simply die " he says and that sends chills to my spine

I can see fear in the guards eyes , did I mention that masimo is the most ruthless mafia ever, like literally ever. Well at the wedding I heard someone say something like " no one has ever been as heartless and as emotionless as masimo, its a surprise that he's marrying someone out of love" and I heard it, and gave them a badass look that made them move their ass out of the party, they literally feared me , I guess they thought I might tell masimo . Funny they don't even know that I don't care about what other say

"Yes sir" the guards say in unison, even though masimo is a bad ass mafia his guards do respect him alot. Even though he is a ruthless mafia h3 cares for his people alot but when things go wrong even his own father can't stop him

"You " he points at a random guard and then points at me asking him

" do you know who he is?"

"Your husband sir " and bam mika shoots the guard

"Wrong answer, he's your 2nd boss and then he's my husband" he says as I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Now you " he points at another guard and asks

"were you the one I ordered to buy these books ?"

" sir " he says stuttering, he knows well that it's his last day today after masimo sent death glares towards him

"Where are the books ?" He asks

"I'm so sorry sir , I forgot to buy the books" he says with a shaky voice, sounds like he's on the verge of crying rivers in front of the mafia

"Do you know who the books were for?"

"The 2nd boss , your husband sir"

"Did you think of him lightly and forgot to provide him the books, do you think he isn't that important for you to buy books on thr spot?" He yelled at him and then mika shot him dead too

"Listen everyone, he is my fucking husband, he is the one I care about a lot and I respect him a lot too , if anyone any Fucking one from here even thinks of disrespecting him or taking him lightly, I'll cut you in small pieces and feed it to the dogs. Don't ever take him lightly and try not to gossip or talk about him or even eye him, he's fucking mine I'm possesive of things that are mine , understood?"

"Yes sir " they say in unison and are dismissed

I couldn't even move as I froze when he said that I'm his , i felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart started to beat 150 beats per min and suddenly I felt a warm hand around my lower back asking me to move and head to our room.

We went in and I sat down on the edge of the bed still shocked by what happened earlier.

"Don't be too shocked with the firing, this will happen alot so get used to it " he says placing his hand on mine and I nod without uttering even a single word

"Now since everything is official and everyone knows we are married I'll start staying in this room with you , and have all the meals together if I'm not busy okay?" He asks and I nod

He gets up and tells me to wear proper good clothes and be ready in 15 minutes to go out to have dinner and until that time he will attend a meeting and pick me up after 20 mins .

I get ready and exactly after 20 mins he shows up to the main gate sitting in an expensive car I guess it's a Lamborghini.

As I get closer he looks at me and I look at him , he's dressed up in a suit where as I am wearing a jeans and a simple t shirt with a quote that says " I don't give a fuck about anyone else" .

He starts laughing and I smile a lil too until I reach near the car he gets out and opens the door for me . SUCH A GENTLE MAN. I sit and we drive away , it was a 10 min drive until we reach the most beautiful restaurant I have ever seen , it looks expensive in 1000 ways .

We enter and there is a woman who's waiting for us and greets us and gives eyes to me like I am a murderer but gives sweet eyes to masimo.

"Bitch" I murmur and unfortunately masimo hears it and smirks and moves his hand to my waist and suddenly pulls me closer too him , wayy too closer and says

"He's my husband" he says and I blush hard .

"Well lucky him , now let me ask someone to show you your table" she smiles and leaves

Bitch is jealous I guess

A/n : well jealous IAN is cute✨😚
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