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A year later -------

"Are you ready baby?" Masimo asks

"I'm always ready" I say and wink and obviously he understands what I mean

"We don't have much time and you teasing me like this makes me want to do bad stuff to you" he says

"No one's stopping you" I say and look at my wrist watch, the time says 6:25 pm and we have to reach the Gala by 7:00pm, we have enough time though the place is half an hour away we'll make it
"don't worry husband we have a lot of time and I'm very very horny because as always you look hot, sexy and edible in that suit" I say and move towards him

"Oh you're so fucked" he moves towards me and we kiss each other hungrily, it's been a year and we still haven't got enough of each other, we still pounce on each other at any given chance, I still can't get enough of him and neither can he, I can see the love he has for me in his eyes and there's no doubt that it increases by each passing day.

I had always read about epic love and watched it portrayed in series, observing how couples behave when they're in love. I used to think it was too fictional to be real, but now I'm here with the love of my life, kissing him, touching him, and simply being with him. I love him so much that I don't think words can ever express my feelings towards him.

He kisses me and removes my suit slowly and keeps it at the edge of the bed as it'll take a lot of time if it gets creased. And I do the same with his suit  and then we all know what happens.

He kisses me all over my body exploring different parts of my body each and every time it's as if he will never get tired of exploring my body. We make out for a while and then since we know it is impossible for us to stop at just a makeout session we end up having sex and he makes me come twice, once with his amazing sexy as hell mouth and the other with his thick amazing as hell dick. God I love him so much, fuck.

We finish our business and get ready and leave by 7:00pm, masimo gives me a side eye again and again but well he loved the session too so he wouldn't dare say a word, we have fights occasionally there's no denying in that but the way he always makes up for it is adorable, sometimes by getting me a few books to read or sometimes binge watching 5 to 7 episodes with me even though he'll be tired as hell, and sometimes taking me out on special dates where we have various types of snacks or food and a lot of sex. I love those best.

And I always make up with him by just saying a few words or cuddling with him or once when I gave him flowers he was so happy that we didn't sleep that night at all (you know because of what ;)) he never stays angry with me for more than an hour and I can't either but the way he spoils me makes me want to stay angry for a while.

Our relationship is very stable and we're very happy it's as if our dreams have come true. We head to the Gala and I spot my brother with his fiance Mika

They're standing there looking at each other lovingly and talking about something which doesn't seem appropriate according to the environment but well we can't help it. We walk towards them.

"Look who decided to show up" says my brother

"Well we got stuck in some work" I reply

"I know very well what got stuck in what" he says and winks and I blush

"Umhmmm, I would very much like if you guys could continue with this brotherly talk in private" masimo says to ben and we chuckle

"How are you?" He asks mika

"Still alive and very happy" he replies and kisses Ben's cheek

"Well you look good when you're in love" masimo says

"You too " mika replies and they both smile at each other and then look at their respective partners.

Finally we have what we deserve and I've never been happier.

We attend the gala and say our goodbyes to each other and then head home. It is fun to be out in the society sometimes, I love when some people get jealous and when few of them adore us. It feels amazing.

We wake up in the morning and when I check my phone I go numb and blank.
Masimo moves towards me sneeking his hand on my waist and down below but when I don't react he opens his eyes and looks at me

"What's wrong baby? Are you feeling unwell?" He asks and I don't reply I look at him and then hug him so tight that he get's more confused

"What is it baby?"

"I got a message, it's done, we've achieved the level, we've finally been accepted, oh my god I just can't believe it, oh my god masimo oh my god" I say and hug him and kiss him all over his face, when I stop and look at him again he checks my face and his expression changes, he slowly realises it

"Ar.....are you serious? I... I mean are you sure, is the email address right?  this isn't a prank right because I'll be very angry if it is" he says but I don't respond and kiss him on his lips again

"Oh my god ian, you've made me the happiest person alive on the earth, I..... I.... Oh my god I'm so fucking happy"

"I know we'll finally be a family, daddy" I say

"Ok that coming from you makes me horny but that coming from our future kid will be the best thing I've ever heard obviously it'll be on the 2nd number, the 1st will always be you saying I love you to me" he says and kisses me

"So when can we meet the mother, we've alot of things to get done before the baby is born, we've to provide proper food and nourishment to the mother, we'll even provide her with a house and we'll also.....mhffummm"I stop masimo by kissing him on the lips very hard

"We'll do it together so don't worry, it'll be done in no time and the next thing we know is that there's a baby in our hands, our baby and we'll be fathers. I'm so happy finally I'll start a small family with you" I say

"Small? I'll have more 8 babies, I wanna make a team so that we can all be happy and play together" masimo says and I laugh, he tells me so many things about our future and it makes me happy and makes me laugh a lot too

Finally a happily ever after :)

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites
It's texts like these that makes my day✨❤️ Thank you so much for all the support✨

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites It's texts like these that makes my day✨❤️ Thank you so much for all the support✨

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Hello babis,
This is a very serious question so please do reply.
What do y'all think I should write the next story about ;

1) Office Romance
2) Bully Romance
3) Forbidden Romance

These are the tropes, the details about the chosen one will be revealed after the selection.

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