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It's been a month since I last ate with ian and I feel really bad to let him be alone since I'm the only one with whom he is kind of comfortable with. But I had to manage my business too after today I'll be able to be with him all the time because today is the last day.

Since the day I came to know that KAGAR was behind the shoot out I was preparing to confront kagar now because it's been a month and since I am planning a revenge on him he has done a lot of damage to my business and he has killed few men who were working for me and no one has any rights to kill my men but since he has done so much he doesn't know what's coming for him.

Today I've planned an entire shootout on him since he will be meeting a gun partner who fucking betrayed me and went on kagar's side. I hate liars and betrayers and I have only one punishment for them and that's killing them without mercy.

Ian was at home since today was a Sunday so he had taken a holiday, I went near the room and he was sitting their reading a book that said "fuck everyone. Ps. Fuck men too". I knew his personality was totally opposite to mine. The only thing we shared in common was stubbornness other than that we were completely different. I loved wearing suits and he loved wearing casuals. I was a coffee person but he was a fresh juice kinda person and the list goes on and on.

"Hey, it's been a while" I entered the room and greeted him and he suddenly kept the book Aside and his face kind of lit up but he changed it to a grumpy one as soon as possible.

"Yeah hey" he replied wearily

"So did you miss me?" I asked with a big grin on my face. I don't know why but I was soo freaking happy to finally see him in person after a long time.

"Nope, I was way too busy to be missing you" he replied

"Are you free ? We can have brekkie together as I have an important day ahead of me I'll just have breakfast and leave and then from tomorrow onwards I'll be at home with you so you don't feel lonely anymore "

"Yes let's have breakfast I'm wayy too hungry and I enjoy my alone time I'm not lonely at all" he replied but I could see in his eyes and the way he replied that he was missing me and he was kind of lonely.

"I've ordered the chef to make the dishes that you love and he'll be done in like 15 minutes so go ahead and have a shower and after you I'll have a shower as well, or do you want to have a shower together to save us some time?" I asked with a smirk on my face

"I'll be out in 5 minutes so back off and sit down on that bed" he said shyly. He was so red that he could pass for being a human tomato.

After 10 minutes he came out shirtless and had a towel draped on his waist and to be honest I couldn't take my eyes off his ass as he passed by me, those pink erect nipples and that ass was calling my cock and my thing was so ready to do things to him he wouldn't have even imagined. Since the day we got married I haven't slept with anyone, I didn't want to lose Ian's self respect and since he never slept with anyone after we married it is a duty for me to sleep with only him if that day comes and I'll make sure that day comes and as fast as possible.

"Aren't you going to ahve a shower we have only 5 minutes and you're busy too right?" He asked and I snapped out of my thoughts and went and had a shower.

We got dressed and sat at the table and had breakfast silently. As I was about to take the last piece of waffle in my mouth I got a call from mika.

"Everything is set and we need to leave in next 15 minutes, there'll be a car outside as you ordered" mika spoke through the phone

"Okay see you soon" I replied

"Hey sorry I have some work so I'll leave and I'll meet you at dinner, see you " I winked at him "also don't go out today, if you want something order aby bodyguard in here and they will get you whatever you need" I waved and left

We reached to the spot and saw kagar shaking hands with the dealer. Thr moment he unlocked the truck our men came out of it and shot every one of kagar's men who could've been spotted and I and mika and few men we all went to kill other's too. Since my Official plan was to kill everyone except the dealer and kagar we almost killed everyone.

But with someone's help kagar flew off from the site and the dealer fortunately got caught. We lwft for our Mansion and brought the dealer with us in the basement. Since I really trusted the dealer I asked him few questions and the reason why he betrayed me and after a lot of torture he answered and he said

"It's about love, I really love kagar I don't know how it happened but I fell in love with him and as you can never win against love I started dealing with him and he loves me too and he'll definitely come to my rescue and kill every fucking one of you just wait and see"

I and mika just gave each other a glance, we knew kagar since a long time and one thing we knew about him eas that he was a big flirt and he could literally make anyone fall for him, he was a fucking liar and an asshole.

After few minutes of morw torture we hanged him to the wooden plank with chains around his wrist and ankles. At first I was going to directly shoot him but since lagar flew away I'll let the dealer know how kagar used him and then kill him. Nothing hurts more than knowing the person you loved doesn't love you but was instead using you for their own thing.

After the basement thing I had to know where kagar webt so that I could hunt him but it had been a long time since he ran away from the shootout. I ordered mika to look for kagar and I went directly to my office to work more since today's shootout didn't go well I had partners who needed answers and so the night was long and I got free at around 12 pm in teh afternoon.

I was so tired that I wanted to sleep my ass off but when I entered the room there was no one sleeping on the bed, I properly remember that I told ian to remain at home yesterday and today as we were going to spend time together so I called him and his phone was off so I went everywhere in the mansion to look for him but he was not in the mansion. I called the hospital and they said he took a holiday today and hadn't shown up since yesterday. I fucking got scared and that's when I went to the guard who was in charge of ian and he told me that ian went out early morning at around 5 for a walk and since it was a daily routine he told the bodyguard not to follow and as nothing ever happened to ian the guard fell asleep instead of following him. And ian hadn't been home yet and the guard thought that ian ahd returned from the walk and was sleeping in his room. I was soo freaking angry because I knew what that meant but I still had hope so I called his brother and he told me that ian wasn't there either and that can mean only one thing he was fucking kidnapped.

I was so furious that I removed my gun from my backpocket and shot thr bodyguard directly in the head .

I was so scared because ian was not from this brutal World and that was a negative point for when you get kidnapped.

A/n: So we finally see masimo becoming a human after a long time and he is really feeling things he shouldn't. I just can't wait to write about how the hell will he deal with kagar afterwards.

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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