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"Now I'll put on the bandage okay" I say and start peeling off the bandage. In the entire time he's been here I've felt his gaze on me and only me , I feel like he hasn't even blinked yet I mean he's digging a hole in my face. With no choice left I mive my gaze from his wound to his face particular make an eye contact but then I'm lost. I forget what I'm doing or where I'm or what I was doing or what I'm wearing, there's only one thing I know at that time and its that I'm lost in masimo's eyes and that I can't move my eyes even if a bullet comes my way. Have I ever told you guys how addictive his eyes are and how attractive his eyes have been from the day I saw him.

Unconsciously I move my lips towards his after I see him moving in my direction. I was so lost that I didn't even know what I was doing until someone knocked on our door and I realised what the situation was and I dumbfoundedly jumped up and went in the washroom to keep the first aid and when I got up masimo left and told me that we will have dinner together and kissed me on the cheeks and there we go again. Again I stood there for like another 45 mins (jk, I stood for 1 min max.kekekekeke) and then sat on my bed

I was so flustered that I can't even start to explain it to you guys. I would've never imagined myself being like that , all rosy cheeks and rosy nape with an incoming boner . Just an eye contact and I was going to kiss him if kissing was this easy why hadn't I had my first kiss until 9th grade like shittt. But after a good half an hour I start getting ready and properly after 15 minutes masimo knocks, I always know when he knocks as his knocking style is different and heis knock is different from others.

I open up and he stares at me for a moment and then looks me up and down. I was dressed a bit casual and fancy as I didn't knew wether we were gonna grab lunch outdoors or indoors so I wore a normal outfit but then he asked his guards to get the car ready and that's how I knew we were gonna grab lunch outdoors.

"Shall we?" He gestures his hand and I nod

"So what type of lubch do you wanna get?" He asks me, it's the first time he wants my opinion on something

Since I've started reading those novels I've started to day dream and those dreams are about going out to a good aesthetic cafe and get a sea side facing table.

"Somewhere nice" I reply as I don't know how to tell him, I'm still a shy human

"Everywhere is nice when I'm with you but I am specifically asking you to choose a good place so that you don't feel that it's only me who gets their way with everything" he says

Firstly let me tell you that in the first bit of the sentence I blush so hard that my cheeks and nape go red and secondly him being so considerate of me leaves butterflies in my stomach but I cage them again

"Well seaside aesthetic cafe doesn't sound so bad, does it?" I ask him and he smirks, he kinda reads people well as he knew that I wanted to go there and there only.

"Well I know a place that you'll love" he says and drives fast

I put on the radio as silence takes over but out of the blue after good 15 mins masimo breaks the silence by asking an absolutely weird question that doesn't relate to our lunch thingy

"So have you ever dated, I mean I know you have dated but were you dating someone when we married or were you into someone?" He asked avoiding eye contact

"Ummm yes kind of, I have dated men before and recently before our entire marriage thing I used to like a girl her name is OLIVIA but I've moved on, I'm kinda a loyal person if I'm married then even if it is a forced one I would never cheat on my partner so I got over it" I say and he sighs

"Hey don't pity me or something, fate is a bad thing it can turn at any point of your life"i say

And here we go, big huge awkward silence again, but it didn't last much as after 10 more minutes we reached our destination.

I always thought that masimo is a dumb tempered big huge human but he's quite thoughtful and intelligent on the contray he has a good taste in fucking everything, his cars omg his tuxedos his watch collection his everything is so freaking dreamy and perfect that I'm barely hanging on the truth of him being a gangster and a murderer.

"So do you like it?" He asks

"Well yaaasssssss it's so pretty let's go in and order, I can't wait to take pictures of this entire aesthetic place" I say and realise that I don't have a phone and start sulking and masimo notices it right away.

"Well for today you can use my phone, it has hell alot of storage so use it to your comfort, you can take as many pictures as you want" he says and hands me his iPhone, since he has more than 1 phone it doesn't bother him much to give me one

We go inside and sit on the beach facing table, since this place is secluded there are only few tables filled. We order our share of food and I start taking pictures

One of my hobbies is to capture pretty things, if theres a puppy who looks cute I'll capture it with my phone. I love taking pictures but I'm not a professional. I click pictures of everything and when I start looking at those pictures masimo taps his fingers on the table for me to look at him all confused as he doesn't even utter a word

"Aren't you gonna take my pictures?" He asks

"Well I didn't knew you liked taking pictures" I say and position the phone to click his picture and that's when he snatches the phone from my hand

"I'll click your pictures, I guess you capture things that are beautiful and I don't vount as one"

"No no that's not what I me--" I protest but he interrupts me

"Look here smile, 1.....2.....3


He gives me his phone again idk y but I take it and the moment he looks out taking the freah air in I click a picture of him, his heand moves in my direction soo fast that i thought he might've sprained it.

"Delete it, I don't look good at all" he orders but I'm a sassy ass who doesn't take anyone's orders at all

"Nope don't say that, you look good "

"I was just kidding, I don't take pictures" he says

"It's okay one picture won't harm your rude ass show off personality so chilll"

I never thought I would be able to talk to him this freely

"Then let's take a picture together, I would like that more" he says

" But you don't like taking pictures"

"Honestly I don't like taking pictures at all but if it's with you I'd love to take one" he says and I blush......HARD

"Excuse me could you take a picture of us?" I ask the waiter and he nods

We both get up from our seat and stand by the sunset and masimo looks at me and that's when the camera clicks and the next shot is where we both are looking at each other and the last one of us looking into the camera, only I was looking into the camera masimo was literally glaring. That big guy doesn't really know how to smile he just knows how to smirk

"Thank you so much" i thank the waiter and masimo tips him with a good $100

We complete our meal and that's when masimo finally asks me something which I never thought would come out of his mouth.

Y/n : I know I made you guys wait for a long time but I've been sick and busy so it's been a little bit difficult for me to write. Hope you enjoyed this chapter ❤️

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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