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Masimo took good care of me throughout the day. The next day he cooked me a side salad with my favourite mushrooms and I was dancing over the moon, he sat with me and ate with me too. I was impressed by his cooking skills and it was truly delifuckingcious.

The next day we woke up and it was the day that I had to take a shower without wetting the wounds and I was gonna do that alone until

"Come let's take a shower" masimo said

"I can take one on my own, I'll go after you" I replied, I had no intentions of having a bath together.

"Your wounds might get wet and it'll cause infection if that happens" he said with caution

"I can do it by myself really, thanks " I was not gonna give in not so easily. It wasn't easy for me to share my bath with him

"Don't tell me afterwards that I didn't ask you gently" he said and I was confused

"What are you talking abo--- woahhh heyyy put me down, what the hell. I said I could take a bath on my own, put me down" I yelled at him but he didn't even budge

"Shusshhh, don't wiggle or else you'll get hurt for real" he put me down in the bathtub and at this moment I gave up.

He slowly helped me remove my tee shirt carefully as not to hurt my arm. And then helped me get out of my pants. After that he raised his hand and rested it on my thigh and slowly dragged his fingers from my thigh to the waistband of my bozer and he tugged his fingers in it and before he could pull my boxers down I held his hand and we looked at each other. The tension was at the max level. No one blinked no one moved their gaze from one another and no one backed off but soon I spoke up

"Stop right their, there's no need to remove my boxers let it be on me " I said and he slowly removed his hand and nodded

He got up and extended the shower to the bathtub and then shampooed my hair. The smell was nice and his technique to apply shampoo made me fall asleep in between. He washed my hair thoroughly and careful of my wounds. He then applied shower gel to my entire body and rubbed it properly and then after an entire bath we got out of the bathroom. He sat me on the bed carefully and took a towel and hair dryer. He used the towel to dry my hair first and then the hair dryer.

"I'll go have a shower you can take a quick nap until I'm done, after that let's have breakfast together" he said and left and as he said I obeyed and kinda fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt something heavy on my waist and something going up and down under my head. I glanced upwards and found a snoring cute masimo, my head was on his chest and he had totally engulfed me in his arms. He smelled sooo good and the entire sleeping position was soo fucking comfy and cozy that I didn't budge even a little bit and stared at him for a while, his perfect lengthy eyelashes, his perfectly sharp nose and those plumpy lips oh my gawd what was I thinking.

He slowly opened his eyes too and found me staring at him

"Like what you see?" He asked with a devilish cute smirk and I blushed again and looked away from him then looked back at him

"Why is your arm wrapped around my waist Mr.?" I asked to change the subject and tried to move away from him but he pulled me closer to him by his arm and placed a kiss on my head.

"Stay like this for a while, someone fucking betrayed me & messed with my business so now I need to take care of it and I might be away for a day or two, so while I'm gone you need to take care of yourself and all the guards will be here for you, the nurse will be here the entire time so whenever you're in pain or need something just order them and it'll be done okay ?" He smiled at me and looked at me with soft heart eyes.

"Yeah well just be back as soon as possible " I replied without thinking and did something I would never do if my brain was functioning properly. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek, this was the first time ever I would've done something like this and that action left us both wide eyed faces looking at each other I pushed him and got up from the bed and as I was about to move away from there he grabbed my wrist and in a split of second he was on top of me

"What are you doing?" I asked in a soft voice looking away from him

He held my face in his direction and slowly leaned in and kissed me on the lips. First it was soft and gentle, he caressed my cheek and slowly slid his tongue at my lips which sent shivers down my spine, I didn't utter a word and let him explore my mouth with his tongue. He explored my mouth and took his time when slowly his hand that rested on my waist started to move upwards, he slid his hand inside my tee shirt and went up till my nipple and caressed it and ohh myy gawd I was turned on. Slowly his kiss became hard and hungry and I kissed him back with my hands in his hair he sighed at my lips when he moved his face away from mine and stared at me .

"You're really beautiful" he said and I started blushing and by seeing my reaction he chuckled. He pinched my nipple and I threw my head back

"Fuck the things I would do to you" he said and plopped next to me I was

"Let's stop right here, if we continue we won't be done until a week" he said

"Ohh my god who has sex for an entire week?" Words left my mouth and I freaking regretted it. He turned towards me and said

"With you I could spend weeks so don't Even think of testing my patience, I'm on edge these days and once I get my hands on you there's no stopping it so get up darling, get ready and let's have lunch" he said and I smiled to myself

We dressed up and ate lunch in the kitchen dining table. The food was yum after an entire week I was having actual food. Tasteless food tasted like vomit and I was fed up of having saltless food. The chef cooked my favourite dishes and it was so fucking delicious that I couldn't stop eating and I heard masimo laughing besides me. I didn't care tho because the good made me busy. I caressed my belly after finishing the meal and looked at masimo and found him staring at me fondly.

He became completely different after the kidnapping accident

"I'm sorry" he said

"Why what happened?" I'm asked curious and confused

"No nothing, I just feel the need to apologise to you" he said, he was careful with not mentioning thr kidnapping accident

"Okay well I forgive you" I replied and smiled at him and he gave me a lopsided smile and it made my heart flutter

"I'll head out now, bye and take care of yourself " he said and got up from the seat

"Bye, you should take care of yourself too" I said and he left.

The mansion went silent after he left, I got up and headed to my bedroom. He had given me my phone completely so I could text and watch and do whatever I want with my phone.

Me : He left, the trouble we caused for him worked

Ben : well that's good, we still don't have proper evidence to keep the Delvis family behind the bars.

Me : yeah well one thing we know for sure is that masimo was not involved in that accident and it was someone else from his family and my main guess is his father

Ben : it is his father for sure

Me : let's not believe anything for now without proper evidence. Also how's the investigation about the cctv footage of that day going?

Ben : I still haven't found the cctv            footage but I'm trying my best, once we    find that all this will be easy and you  can divorce masimo and live your life Normally again.

Me : ok bye I'll get back to my dramas,              love you

Ben : bye love you and take care :)

A/n : Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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