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My father removes his ring and not just any ring, whoever wears that ring is the mafia of the clan, everyone has to respect them no matter what and the mafia if the clan isn't allowed to remove it until they find an heir to their throne.

He removes the ring and approaches me, I stare at him and so does he. He stops just an inch away from me and then holds my hand up and opens my tight fist. He puts the ring on my tiny finger of the right hand. It fits perfectly. The ring is made up of the symbol that our mafia clan represents . It's made up of gold and diamonds that are very rare to find ' The Graff Lesedi La Rona ' .

"What is the meaning of this father?" I ask him even though he made it very clear

"I've done my job as a leader for the past 50 years and I've been waiting for the day that you'd mature and I would give you this ring and that day is today my son. I'm not only proud of you but I'm also fucking honoured to be able to call myself your father. You are the most capable man for this throne and no one else can say otherwise. I hope being a leader will be easy for you since you've been doing this from the start, I wasn't given such previlages , this throne wasn't mine from the get to go either but I had to run it, I didn't have a choice but you do and I know that you'll choose being a mafia clan leader so congratulations my son , you are the new mafia leader" the moment he says this all the guards present around us bends down on one knee and they bow at me. , each and every one of them. It's a rule to bow before your leader.

Finally I'm the mafia clan leader, finally I can bring a hell lot of changes, finally I've a position with which I can try and make everything legal. Finally , fucking finally.

I'm so happy that I can't wait to break this news to ian

"Thank you father, I'm honoured and I'll make you even more proud than you already are, don't worry now it's your time to retire and rest"

"Let's go mika, ian is not in a good condition and I need to go to him as soon as possible, I've something to tell him, wait make that 2, I've to tell him something else too" I tell mika to hurry up

"Sir we've arrived " he says

"Tell me , what's going on with you and Ian's asshole of a brother?" I ask curiously, it's not that I didn't know something was up, I knew everything from the start but I want to know the proper reason from mika

"Sir it's personal so I can't tell you" he says and I raise an eyebrow in return

"Let's meet after you're off your job, I'll share everything with my best friend " he speaks again and I nod and leave

The moment I enter the house I get an uneasy feeling, it's nothing like I've ever felt before. I feel emptiness out of nowhere even though there are many guards around. The mansion that has always felt like home feels a strange place today. So I run up to my room because there's only one reason I might be feeling like this


"Ian, I'm back " I greet to a totally empty room , I enter the room and check the bathroom, no sign of him. Then I check the closet and just what I thought, all of Ian's clothes are missing. Fucking hell where the hell is he

"Mika , search the entire mansion and bring me Ian's brother rights now" I speak through the phone

"He .. he's not here either, I checked the entire mansion already and both of them are missing. The guards last saw them when they just came from the big mansion, and they left after a few minutes. The guards didn't stop them because they thought you gave some new orders" he says

I throw my phone across the wall and spout shitty words. Fuck when everything was going well why did you've to ruin it ian? Why? Ughhhhh... I punch the wall 2 to 3 times, ignoring the excruciating pain felt to my knuckles and up.

"Sir the last time the guards saw them was with kagar in his car so maybe we should go to him" he says

"If that fucker has even laid a finger on ian I'll kill him " I say

"Same " mika replies and I just know who he is talking about

We get in our car and mika starts driving, after a half an hour trip we reach to kagar's mansion. It's not like ours, it's old giving a rusty vibe as if there's an old king staying there . We enter the mansion and no one dares to stop us

"Kagar you pussy get the hell out of your hole and come here" I say loudly losing my cool and control

"Hey hey , it's the first time you were right, I actually was inside a hole but you ruined the fun at the last moment, fucking cockblocker . What is it that you want this late, shouldn't you be out celebrating with your family? Ooh I see you are now a mafia clan leader, congratulations " he says and I lunge forward to punch him but he dodges.

"What the fuck dude, what is it ?" He asks

"Where is ian and his brother?" I ask

"How would I know, he is your husband nit mine, though I'd live to make him my husband but ughhh semantics "

"They were captured with you in the cctv and there's no trace from their on"

"Yeah well they asked me to drop by the mansion because they wanted to bring some clothes to their original home and I left them near their place"

"Their actual place, like the apartment?" I ask and kagar nods

"I can help you if you need any help, but obviously I'll have something in return and that'd be a favour "

"No thanks I don't need your fucking help, I'll find him on my own " I say and storm iut of his mansion

"Have you searched their apartment?" I ask mika

"Yes we already did that but there's no sign if them " he replies

"Where could've they gone?" It's messing with my head

We search day and night, continuously for a month now but there's no sign of them, it's as if they vanished from the earth. Their apartment that was owned by them was sold off to a family of 3 and when we asked that how did they pay them they said that they paid in cash and half in shares to the owners. Fucking smart asses

"We've found footage of them from a gas station store but it was put down immediately, it's good that we were able to locate the place down and we can go their like tight now so what do you say boss?" Mika asks me

"Where did we locate them?" I ask

"Turkey" he replies

"Let's go and teach those fuckers a lesson , that never mess with a mafia , not when he is hopelessly in love. That's the worst kind of punishment someone can get " I say

We leave for turkey and I contact a few of my companions to locate them in the area and give me details about where they are staying , which area is it and every teeny tiny detail about them .

It was a very big mistake on Ian's side to leave me like this right after that incident, I just can't eait to meet him and punish him in all the bad ways possible and the most important is to know why he left me when even he knows that he loves me and can't live without me

Moreover mika is just as pissed as I'm, in fact he is way more pissed than me. That night he talked to me and told me how they have always bren enemies but mika has always felt himself sexually attracted to ben and how their first night happened and how this all turned out. Turns out mika just met his match and I'll pay a billion to watch how their love blooms but before that I'll have to deal with ny naughty Little husband for the way he abandoned me.

Be ready dear husband, your life is going to be a rollercoaster ride from now onwards.

A/N - what do you think will happen to ian ?

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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