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He blacks out.

Between our 4 to 5 hours of intense sex session he blacks out twice, but I'm impressed that he could go on for this long. The first time he blacked out I wasn't done so I continued with my hand but that wasn't as satisfying as his asshole. This was the most intense and probably the best sex I've ever had in ages. I had a lot of sex in my past before Ian came in, like alot but none of them satisfied my needs the way Ian did. He moaned my name the entire night and I have never wanted to claim anything in my life the way I claimed Ian, and now that we've fucked he can never get rid of me. He's mine just mine and no one can change it, not even the devil itself.

The moment he blacks out the second time I get up and head to the bathroom. I fill water in a tub and a towel. I would've just slept like that but I don't think Ian would like the mess so I clean him up. I'm start with his face first. That pretty little face which looked amazing with my cock in his mouth and tears flowing from his eyes. That one image get's my Dick's attention and jesus christ now I'm hard, the effect this guy has on me is insane. I wipe his forehead then his eyes and nose, his cheeks. His neck is next which is bruised with hickeys from his jaw to his abdomen. Well I like to mark my territory. His entire torso is filled with hickeys and bite marks. I feel so satisfied with them that I pick my phone from the stand and click a picture to save it. I wipe his entire body and then slowly flip him on his stomach and no doubt it's filled with my marks.

I wipe his back and then my eyes find his ass, it has my handprints and it feels so mine. I start to wipe his ass and he moans the moment it touches those hand prints and I'm hard as a rock, i swipe the towel between his ass cheeks and he whimpers and now I can't stop myself from. I place kisses on his ass cheeks and he pushes his ass to my mouth. I lower my mouth and look at the hole that I just owned. I spread his buttocks and I lick his hole and he moans my name. He pushes his ass to my mouth when I lazily lick it. I circle his rim with my tongue and in one go I push my tongue into his asshole. He's soft and hot inside. The room filled with his moans and my grunts, how can someone taste this heavenly, if I were to die in this moment and go to hell, I would brag to the devil that I just tasted heaven.

I tongue fuck him and reach down to his shaft and give slow strokes and after a few minutes he comes and I do too. That's new, I didn't even touch myself and this happened. This has never happened to me in my entire life, I would always come after 2 or 3 sessions of sex. Oh the things he does to my dick and my heart, wait ddi I just say heart? Shit I didn't even know but my heart is beating fast and it dances when Ian says my name. I've never felt this way before, it's scaring me.

The moment he comes he wakes up, opening his eyes slowly and he looks so fucking cute when he realises what was going on and abruptly flips and tries to get up but falls down in a sec.

"Uggghhhh fuck my back" he says

"What happened darling? Something wrong with your back?" He glares at me and I smirk, feeling proud of what I did

"You fucking asshole, piece of shit, bastard, do you even know the meaning of the word 'stop', I don't think so because when I said it after the 2nd round you went on and on and I don't even know how long we're doing it. My back is broken and I can't even stand up. How can an oldie like you have such a stamina?" He spouts curses at me that I totally deserve but I just smile

"Well I've alot of stamina left to continue right now right here, you can test me if I'm old or not" I say and slowly move towards him and he places his foot on my pectoral region to stop me and I hold in and kiss his ankle then his calf and slowly kiss my way upto his thighs and leave hickeys on my way up.

"Ahhhh....umnghhj" he opens his eyes and suddenly kicks me

I laugh at the assault

"Stop you bastard, I'll die if we do it one more time, now help me to the bathroom, I need to take a shower, we have a confrontation ahead of us remember? So keep your dick in your pants or else I'll literally beat the shit outta you" he says and I shit I find it way too adorable

"Okay okay, I won't do anything to you chill"

I head to the bathroom and prepare for his bath, I go back to the room and pick him up in bridal style, he holds onto my shoulders, I place him in the tub and gather shampoo in my hands

"I can wash myself" he grumbles

"Well I have to take care of you after I fucked you so hard" I say and he blushes but doesn't stop me when I start washing his hair

I wash his body and then I take a shower myself in front of him, teasing him by stroking my dick a little and he blushes so hard.

We dress up and head down to the kitchen, our breakfast is served and we eat in silence and after a few minutes ben and mika joins us together. I don't know what's going on between them but I've never seen mika this happy before and I like it, he deserves to be happy.

"Everything ready mika?" I ask him after we're done with the breakfast

"Yes boss, everything's set" he replies

We get up and head to pur cars, with 8 cars of pur men , I and Ian in one car and mika ben in the other, 4 cars are ahead of us and 4 behind us.

We head to my father's mansion. My father knows bits and pieces and he knows that it was uncle john, he insisted on killing him on the spot but we needed him to confess the shit he did and torture him for a long time, I wouldn't let the rapist of my mother to die by a shot to his head. It took alot of convincing for my father to back down and to be normal around john like he was before.

Our plan is simple, there's an entire video tape that consist of the accident in which Ian's parents died and a video which shows that he entered and exited my mother's room, he discarded all the evidence and honestly it took alot of time for ben to find it again. I hate that asshole ben but he's way too good with tech stuff and I appreciate his findings. He didn't only re download the videos but he also dug up alot of dirt on john, turns out dear uncle was stealing money from our profits from the start. And he was behind alot of clan wars and he was the one who used to leak our important information to the other clans. He'll beg me to end his life but I won't, I'll torture him, kill him and then bring him back to life. I've got a new toy in my basement which if attached to the person, recognises their heartbeat and the moment their heart stops beating, or flatlines the machine resuscitates them,  not  allowing them to die until I get my fill. It's fun and I'm really excited to use it on him.

We reach the mansion and the moment we enter, we're stunned at what was waiting for us. We walked right into the trap that was set for us.

What's in front of me makes me soo angry I see red, I take a move but ian stops me

"One wrong move and all of us will be dead the next second, calm down" he says and I calm myself

"Well well if it isn't my favourite nephew, welcome masimo, I was waiting for you" he winks

"Now now, we have a lot of things to discuss don't we? , I got this from the spy I planted in your house, well it's interesting that you found so many evidences of my lies" he says showing us a usb drive, I look at mika and ben confused but they look at me the same way. Well it's going to be a long day

A/N- Thank you soo much for showing soo much love and supporting me, I really appreciate it. Thanks you for the ranking, love you guys❤️✨

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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