3 - BAT

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The vampires had been preying on your village since you could remember. Every day some livestock or people go missing. Sometimes parts would turn up later, but most of the time nothing was left.

The colorful garments of before were abandoned for black ones. A show of mourning that never ceased. Sundown was scariest as everyone hid away. That was when they came out.

Sometimes they remained in their humanoid forms, merely a blur if you caught sight of one. Others preferred a more inconspicuous form. One that let them blend into the night more.

Bats had become a sign of bad luck. To see one was to doom yourself to death. The elders said any who saw bats were being watched by the creatures and were to be left out as an offering. It was barbaric.

You still remembered the screams from your past townsfolk as they were dragged towards the woods to be tied and abandoned. A tasty treat wrapped up in a bow and tied down to prevent escape.

It wasn't until you were picking berries that you saw a bat. You stopped filling your basket as you stared at it. It was hidden in a hollow tree trunk asleep and you could've sworn it hadn't been there when you arrived.

However you quickly collected your basket and made your way out of the forest. You didn’t tell anyone about the bat, not wanting to be the next sacrifice.


Perhaps it was selfish of you to ignore the bat. It landed on your windowsill the moment the sun went down, peering in at your frozen form. It wasn't a regular bat, it was clearly one of them, trying to get in. You didn't report it.

Not that night or the next or the one after that. You would've continued on like that if it wasn't for a nosy neighbor hoping to curry favor with the elders.

You didn’t scream or cry as you walked towards the forest. There was no use in it. It wouldn't prevent the inevitable or make your death less painful.

Instead you leaned up against the tree you were tied to and closed your eyes. You tried to remember your happiest memories as you waited, wanting to die with a smile.

"You look stunning darling. You should smile more." Your eyes opened to see a man standing in front of you. His eyes shone red in the moonlight.

"Can't exactly smile if I'm dead now can I?" You asked bitterly, happiness fading from your face.

"Why would you be dead, my love? Vampires cannot die under normal circumstances and that is what you are going to be soon." You stared at him, eyes wide.

"What? I'm going to be a-?"

"Of course! What's the point of keeping you to myself if you'll just die sooner or later, hmm? So, let's get you out of that rope and to your new home where I will take care of you forever!"

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