14 - EMPTY

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To my dearest Y/N,
Every second I am without you feels like there is a void in my heart. Your smile, your voice, you are the only reason I continue on every day. I need you so much. I am certain if there was ever a day I didn't see you I would perish on the spot.

That coworker of yours, Rachel was it, keeps taking advantage of you. Pushing all her work onto you but getting all the credit. I know about her love. But don't worry, she'll get what she deserves. For you, I'll make sure of it.

When we finally speak, I hope you smile at me the way you smile at the dogs you pass on the street. We could get one if you play nice. But you'll have to be mine. That wouldn't be so hard. Just treat me nicely and I'll be your knight in shining armor. Or if you don't need a knight whatever you need me to be, as long as you love me.

But please don't reject me. Don't leave me empty and angry. I cannot promise I'll be nice if you make me angry and we don't want that, do we?

I'll come for you soon darling. Please leave a door or window unlocked for me! Or don't, it hasn't stopped me before!

With all the love in the world,
Your Soon To Be Boyfriend♡

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