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"Darling, it's time for dinner!" You turned your head away. You weren’t hungry. You hadn’t been in a while.

"Darling, I know you're still upset about that last punishment but that's no excuse for how crabby you've been lately. I'm getting sick of it."

You stared into the bowl. There was some kind of liquid, most likely soup, in there. You could see bits of what you assumed were carrot and fish in the broth.

The smell made you nauseous. Not because it smelled bad, it smelled like any other fish soup, but the thought of eating wasn't appetizing right now.

However, looking at your captor, you forced yourself to take a bite. If you hadn't he would've exploded on you, just like he had the other times. You swallowed down the spoonful of soup quickly before nudging the bowl away.

"I'm full." Your captor grinned and threw his arms around your neck.

"Darling! You usually don't eat anything without some persuading! My darling is finally starting to get better!" You weren’t better. You'd just learned the hard way that resisting got you put in worse conditions. You'd rather not go back to the basement any time soon.

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