31 - FARM

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Your kidnappers was asleep so it was your time to escape. You opened the window, climbing out onto the roof outside.

From there you jumped onto some previously set up hay bales before running to the barn. The farm was quiet.

Your horse was waiting in his stall and you quickly mounted, making sure the saddlebags were tight, before carefully steering him out of the barn.

A light flicked on in your room, you were out of time. A quick kick to the side and you were off. You started on the trail through the meadow before veering left the second you hit the stream. This way you'd reach a main road instead of sticking to the path they knew you were fond of.

It was quiet as you creeped along through the trees. When you reached the main road you thought you were in the clear but the sound of hooves behind you had you stirring your horse into a gallop.

The wind was in your hair as you both flew along the road. But it was no use. His horse was bigger and he easily caught up, grabbing the reins.

"Y/N. Just what do you think you're doing."

He turned you both around, starting the ride back towards the farm. Right back where you started.

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