13 - KIND

863 26 3

You handed the couple their drinks with a smile like you did for everyone. Although, considering it was almost the end of your shift, it was much more strained than usual.

You went back to sitting at the register, watching the clock. You wanted to be home in your pajamas doing anything but work.

"Excuse me!" You turned to the irate woman storming up to the counter, drink clutched in her hand.

"Yes, miss?" You asked, with your politest customer service voice.

"What the hell is this?! It tastes like dirt! Are you trying to poison me?!" She screeched. You winced.

"Miss, you ordered a black coffee. What I gave you is a black coffee. Do you want me to add some sugar for you?" You asked, politely holding out your hand. The woman instead threw the hot coffee all over your arm.

You let out a yelp of pain, stumbling back as you held your arm. Your coworker, who was also your shift manager, quickly ran a towel under cold water and passed it to you.

"Miss you've just assaulted one of my workers. I'm going to need you to stay here until the cops come." Your coworker stated.

"Call the cops! I dare you! I'll get this whole place shut down!" She yelled.


Unsurprisingly the cops sided with you, taking her away on an assault charge and pervious warrant.

Your arm was still red and hurt like hell but you just wanted to get home. If it seemed bad tomorrow you'd try and scrape up the willpower to see a doctor.

You hung up your apron and got your stuff from your locker. Walking to your car you weren't as thorough as you usually are, yawning as you got in and turned the key in the ignition.

The car sputtered weakly. You groaned, flopping your head on the wheel. Your eye happened to stray to the rear view mirror and your froze.

"You really need to learn to check your backseat honey. Someone with bad intentions could be waiting for you." A voice giggled. You went to open your door only for a pair of arms to grab you from behind. You tried to struggle only for you to feel a pinch on your neck

"C'mon and relax for us. We don't want to hurt you. We just want that kind smile in our lives." Those voices, you realized in your blurring mind, belonged to the couple you served earlier.

"Just go to sleep and smile for us when you wake up. Okay?"

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