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A/N: As mentioned in the previous chapter this will be a platonic yandere! I'll try and write another romantic one tomorrow.

"It's your fault." You ignored him, glaring at the stupid tiled floor of the bathroom.

"Are you mad because I'm telling you the truth or because you got caught? Either way, you're lucky it was only a scrape." It wasn’t just a scrape.

It was months of planning down the drain in minutes. It was everything you were trying to aim for gone up in flames. It was the truth setting in that escape was near impossible.

You continued glaring at the floor, knuckles turning white where they gripped the edge of the bathtub you were sitting on as he wrapped your leg.

When he finished he looked up at you, sighing when he saw no change in emotion.

"Well then, seems like you aren't up for talking right now. Let's get you settled in your room then. I'm sure you'll feel better after getting some rest." He smiled and gave you a kiss on the forehead before picking you up.

"Love you sweetheart. Please never forget it."

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