24 - FAIRY

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A/N: Platonic yandere!

When your brother first announced he was going out with a new girl you were happy. Maybe he'd finally scale back on the overprotectiveness. Instead his 'protecting' got worse. You weren't allowed to do anything after school he couldn't be there for. He was making your life miserable.

As soon as the bell rang after school, you ran for the back exit. You needed to be alone right now and you weren't in the mood to deal with him. As you started the walk home a girl around your brothers age walked up to you.

"Hey, you're Y/N, right?" You nervously nodded. She smiled.

"I'm Charlotte, Killian's girlfriend. He sent me to pick you up today. He wasn't feeling well." She showed you a few pictures of them together so you begrudgingly let her walk you home. Charlotte pulled you into an ice-cream place along the way and bought you a cup of your favorite.

By the time you arrived home, Charlotte had become one of your favorite people. Killian, as expected, practically smothered you the second you got home. What wasn't expected was for him to let go when Charlotte asked him to.

"Killian, you'll get them sick too. Lets lay you back down, hmm?" He grumbled, but returned to the couch as you gave her an astonished look. She just smiled.

"Y/N, how about you get started on that project you told me about? The one about the fairy tales?" You nodded and ran to your room while Charlotte plopped down next to Killian.

"They actually like you. I'm surprised. You're worse than I am." He murmured, as she smiled.

"I may be worse in some aspects but we both just want them to be safe. Whenever you're feeling better next the three of us can go do something fun!" She suggested. Killian nodded with a smile.

"Okay, but they have to hold my hand the entire time."

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