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You lay under the warm covers, staring up at the fairy-light lit bed canopy. How long had it been since they first took you?

The question that should've had a clear answer didn't. You didn't know where you were or how long you'd been here. You blamed it on whatever drugs they had you on when you first arrived.

All you knew was it was long enough for your hair to grow out to an annoying length. It was always in your eyes or tickling your nose. Not that you did much. Most of your day was spent sleeping, there wasn't much to do when chained to a bed.

When you woke up this time, mind foggy with sleep, you tiredly glared up at the first of your two captors, Sam. 

"Aww! Look at that cute face of yours. C'mon, lets get you upstairs. It's shower time!"  


You stood underneath the spray of hot water. Sam was waiting for you to finish outside. He talked to you through the closed bathroom door, not that you were listening.

When you finally found the willpower to turn off the water and step out, Sam was midway through some tale about a stray cat he'd seen while getting groceries. You dried off quickly before pulling on the clothes laid out for you.

"You forgot to brush your hair! Wow, it's gotten so long." Sam hummed. You could hear the front door open as Sam ran to meet his partner, your other captor.

After some talking you heard new footsteps on the stairs. You didn't want to deal with her right now, all you wanted was to go back to sleep.  

"Darling! Sammy tells me I should help you with your hair." You shook your head. Shower days were tiring because the basement had a bathroom so it took little effort, but it had no shower. The shower and bath were on the second floor of their house and being chained to a bed with nothing to do but sleep ruined your stamina.

"Julia, look at them! So sleepy!" Julia nodded, leading you back to the basement. She sat you on the edge of the bed, before starting to brush your hair.

"Maybe tomorrow I can put it in a ponytail for you before I leave for work? Would you like that?" You didn't answer, just lay down as your body drifted off to sleep. As your mind entered another world where you were in the sun again.

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