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You didn't have time for scary movies. Despite the insistence of your friends you'd been more or less ignorant of the newest horror movie sweeping audiences away. Sure you knew about it, it was impossible not to with all the attention it was getting. It was supposed to be the 'perfect horror movie of this generation'.

You just didn't have the time to worry about it. Your aunt and uncle were counting on you to make it through college after their biological kids, your cousins, had dropped out. Your aunt and uncle raised you after your parents and siblings died when you were six.

Your house had been engulfed in flames by the time police got there. Everything was ashes and everyone dead, minus you, who'd been found laying on the grass unconscious with no ailments but malnourishment. When you woke up all your memories were gone. The psychiatrists thought it was due to your brain not wanting to remember the trauma.

Even now, over a decade later, and everything before that night was blank. Because of that you cherished the family you had left, even if your cousins didn't deserve it. It was part of the reason you cherished your aunt and uncle so much. They'd helped you regain a sense of personality after the accident.

That was all it ever was to the rest of the family. An accident. Something that had no lasting repercussions. You were just a kid who wanted attention. You didn't actually have amnesia. That's what your mother's family had thought. That's why your fathers sister had denied them access to you, and how you ended up with your aunt.


"I swear Y/N! It's a crime you haven't seen it yet! I'm going to haul you off to jail!" Your roommate, Penny, ranted. She was one of the religious preachers of this movie, especially when it came to you.

"I'm busy Penny. I have a test coming up." You protested, not looking up from your textbook. She frowned.

"You also have no classes tomorrow or the day after because you don't take weekend classes. Therefore, you are coming to the viewing party with me tonight." You were about to protest but then you considered how much easier studying would be without her pestering every second.

"Fine. But only if you promise to leave me alone tomorrow to study." Penny nodded before dragging you to help her pick out something nice to go in.


To be fair to Penny, the movie was better than you expected. The gist of it was dumb teenagers accidentally summon a demon. The teens actually make some smart decisions however all of them end in someone dying accidentally. The final guy to make it out then passes off the demon to some other teens to hint at a sequel and then credits roll.

However you started to realize you were in over your head when one of Penny's friends suggested that you should try summoning a demon using the method in the movie, bleeding on a Ouija board.

Being, apparently, the only sane person in the vicinity and with a rapidly developing migraine you refused to touch the board at all, much less sacrifice your blood to it. However, as the sane one you decided to supervise to step in if anything went too far.

At first it was just simple questions with them yelling at one another for pushing the planchet. It wasn't until you let out a groan of pain, holding your head as your migraine worsened, that something happened. The planchet stopped and refused to move, like it was stuck in place.

"What the hell? What's going on?" One of the boys asked before the plastic piece was yanked this way and that. You weren't focused on anything but the pain in your head, it drowned out talking and certainly the yells of surprise. Then you blacked out.


"Y/N! He does not tolerate lazy people! Up!" Your body was yanked out of bed as your eyes flew open. The woman who'd pulled you was one you'd only seen in pictures.

"Momma? What-?" She grabbed your arm pulling your small body down the hallway. When you reached the kitchen you were forced into place to the right of a man, your father. Your siblings ran in soon after, taking their spots. Everyone was fed well, minus you who was only given some berries.

"You must be pretty for him." She said, with a firm look. You wanted to protest but your mouth wouldn't open. Instead you sat quietly and ate the berries.


It was clear you were reliving your memories. However as the date of your familys' deaths arrives you feel yourself getting more and more sick. You were malnourished and exhausted, all for the sake of some man you didn't know.

The day of it started out normal. Being dragged out of bed and given berries. Being forced into some incredibly itchy garment. Then your daily etiquette, reading and cooking lesson. After dinner they had taken you down to the basement.

The second you saw the giant summoning circle you knew things were going downhill. You fought as they tied you down in the middle. You could hear them asking for you could be so ungrateful to him. You wanted to fight more but your weak body just couldn't.

Everything was loud for a minute as they said some words you didn't catch before it went quiet. You felt cold hands wipe your tears away before yelling ensued. You were pulled into sturdy arms and through the tiredness you could make out glowing blue eyes.

The next you knew your family was screaming and fire was spreading through the basement. The stranger effortlessly stepped through the flames, taking you out of the burning home and setting you on the cool grass outside. A hand was placed on your forehead as you started to drift off.

"It will hurt to be separated from you my dove. However, you deserve a happy childhood. When you're ready you will remember my name. Call for me, call for Florian, and I shall come. But only when you're certain." With that everything slowed and faded as you passed out.


You sat up on the couch with a shocked jolt. The others were still playing with that stupid board, screaming as it moved on its own. Now awake, you watched as it twirled around the board, spelling out a name:


"Florian?" You whispered. It was quiet for a second before the planchet erupted in a burst of flame, burning everybody touching it. The entire board started to melt away, eating at the floor and creating a hole. Peering in it led to somewhere else, like a portal. Perhaps it was fate that one of the people backing away accidentally tripped you, sending you tumbling through the portal into a strong pair of arms.

"Y/N. My Y/N. My love. You're finally in my arms again. I'm sorry lovely but I can't let you go again, so let me show you around your new home." The portal closed behind him as he started walking. "We were fated to be together. The fairest human with the darkest demon. Now, we can finally spend every moment together. My love, I'm never letting go. Never again."

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