11 - No Prompt

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A/N: Apologies for the lack of updates! The original prompt for day 11 is Eagle however I already had this written for my Creative Writing class so I modified this to get something out! Enjoy and updates will start again soon!
This is a strictly PLATONIC YANDERE. This is NOT to be taken as a romantic relationship!

As the lights of the bus were swallowed up by the fog I started to realize how screwed I was. My phone was dead from the biting cold and my wallet was still in my bag which was in Amy's car. As I flopped down onto the bench I wondered when Amy would realize I never made it home.

Then again Amy was the one who'd kicked me out of her car. She'd dropped me down the road a bit and told me to walk before driving away. It was pure luck that there was a bus stop but misfortune that the bus was leaving and I was broke.

The bus stop's light flickered, dimming and brightening with no certain pattern. Staring down the road into the dark fog I knew I wouldn't make it home. My breath hung in the air and the thin sweatshirt wasn't doing much. I was a second away from wallowing in my mystery when faint lights appeared in the distance.

They looked misty through the veil of fog but got brighter as the vehicle drove closer. The vehicle in question stopped in front of the bus stop, directly in front of where I sat. It was a sleek black pick-up truck with tinted windows.

I stared as the driver's window rolled down. The inside of the truck was dark but I could vaguely make out a man and woman.

"You okay there sugar? The next bus isn't for a while." The woman asked. She had a thick southern accent but sounded rather young. I wasn't sure how to answer that. Sure I could say I was fine and they would probably smile and drive off but I wasn't. I didn't know where I was or how I would make my way home or even if anyone would notice I was gone until it was too late.

I shrugged. It was all I could think to do without spilling everything or breaking down in front of two strangers.

"We live down the road a bit. How about you come with us and stay until morning? You'll freeze out here and animals like to hide in the fog." The man said. There was a click as the door unlocked.

"Animals?" I asked, wringing my hands as I stood up. The man nodded.

"Panthers. Bears. If you can't see them coming normally you'll never see them now. Until it's too late that is." I nervously approached the car, freezing as I remembered all those school presentations on never getting in a stranger's car. But it was their car or freezing to death or being mauled. I carefully climbed into the back, shutting the door behind me.

"I'm Willa and this is my husband, Atticus." The woman, Willa, said.

"I'm Y/N." It was silent for a moment. My fingers started to itch as they warmed up. I pulled my sweatshirt closer, relishing the heat of their truck.

"How'd you find yourself out here, honey? It's awfully far from the nearest town. Just farmland really." Atticus asked. This was the question I dreaded. Then again it was logical to wonder how a 15 year old had found himself at a bus stop on a foggy cold night.

"My step mom, Amy, and I were driving to meet my dad. We're supposed to be moving soon." I explained, picking at my cuticles. It was a bad habit I'd picked up from my mom before she'd died. "We got into an argument. She had been flirting with a guy at the gas station we stopped at. She got angry. Said I was 'disrespecting her and my father's relationship'. She kicked me out of the car and told me to walk."

"I'm so sorry hun. That's horrible. Those kinds of people shouldn't have children." Willa said, her voice growing dark. Atticus reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What do you like, Y/N?" He asked.

"I like to read. I'm fond of cats and other animals." I continued talking. Willa calmed down as I spoke. Both of them seemed to hang onto my every word. Everything from my hatred of gym class to the way bread smells freshly baked.

Eventually we stopped in front of a large farmhouse, the kind Dorothy lives in in The Wizard of Oz. Atticus helped me out of the truck as I internally cursed at my genes for the anomaly that was my height.

In the light of the house I finally got my first good look at the both of them. Willa was taller than I was, maybe 5'7". She had long strawberry blonde hair that was tied back in a bun. Atticus was taller than that, 6'2" at least. He had messy brown hair. They looked like a picturesque movie couple.

Willa pulled me upstairs the second I took my shoes off and led me into a guest bedroom. It was a rather plain room with gray walls and a nicely made bed.

"The bathroom is right over there. Atticus! Can you lend N/N some clothing?" The nickname stuck out to me. N/N was my mom's nickname for me. Atticus yelled back from downstairs but I didn't hear what he said.

"Wait here for a minute honey." Willa walked into a room down the hall before returning a few minutes later, clothing in hand. I got changed in the bathroom, and when I returned to the guest room Willa and Atticus were waiting.

"Night honey! Sleep well." It was a bit weird. I climbed into bed but Willa insisted on tucking me in with the biggest smile. Atticus extinguished the oil lamp on the nightstand but I made out a smile on his face as well as the light went out.


I woke up to the smell of freshly baked bread. But as I went to stand up the world spun and I stumbled to the ground. My head throbbed and everything seemed to swirl. Willa rushed into the room helping me slowly back into bed.

"Shush honey. You're alright. Just a bit of a cold from being out there last night, hmm?" Willa asked, running her fingers through my hair. My head hurts. I feel freezing but simultaneously burning. Atticus quietly entered, a plate with a few slices of bread and some water with him.

Willa carefully brought the cup to my lips, letting me drink. Atticus left at some point, I'm not entirely sure when. Time felt spotty. I closed my eyes for a second and suddenly I was opening them hours later.

Willa was still by the bed, her gentle hands still playing with my hair.

"I always wanted a child." She said, smiling down at me. My mind took a minute to process the words as my thoughts drifted constantly.

"Then the doctors told me I was infertile. That I would never be able to have a child of my own." Her voice was growing angry. Her fingers tugging at my hair instead of playing with it. A small while involuntarily escaped my lips. She stopped, fingers gently running through my hair again.

"But that doesn't matter now." Willa pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. She reached over to the nightstand where she grabbed the cup of water.

"It will never matter again. Not when I have you." My mind finally connected the dots.


"You shouldn't be sitting up yet N/N. You could fall again." I wanted to fight but Atticus suddenly reappeared. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed but face gentle. He was disciplining me as if I was a child. As if I was his child.

"You haven't even eaten yet! Your father went through the trouble of making you homemade bread." Willa said, taking the forgotten plate of bread off the nightstand.

"But I-!"

"Hush darling. Just let me and your mother take care of you."

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