16 - FOWL

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You sat at the end of a long table, picking at the food in front of you. It was some type of fowl you didn't recognize. It didn't matter.

"You aren't going to eat again? At this rate you'll hurt your chefs' feelings. I thought you wanted them around."

Sitting across the table from you was your... fiancee. At least that's what he'd called himself when he met you at that stupid ball.

It was a ball to decide the bride of the prince of your kingdom and every eligible woman was invited. Your sisters had forced you to go, not that it mattered. He'd made his choice quickly.

It was only when you'd escaped to the garden did fate decide you needed a bit more excitement.

It was there in the silver moonlight where you'd met the third prince, and the youngest. A man who was never told no.

The night after the ball you'd been dragged to the palace and locked in his room while he acted like this was all normal. Like he didn’t kidnap you.

It had been a week since then. A week of walking on eggshells around him. The episode he'd had when you first arrived and rejected him he'd been more than enough to remind you of your standing. That and the fact he could eliminate anyone he didn’t like with no consequences. From the staff to your family, no action would be taken.

So now you sat, picking at your food and wishing to go home. Wishing to be anywhere other than with him here.

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