29 - UH OH

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'Uh oh' was the kind of thing you said when you knew your mom would be pissed about a test grade or someone decided to test that person in the friend group.

'Uh oh' was not a suitable thing to say when the person who's house you broke into woke up and found you in their room.

Nevertheless, that was the situation you awoke to, staring down the intruder standing in your room.

"You weren’t supposed to wake up." They said. You continued watching them as they nervously paced your bedroom, holding your blanket tight.

"Um... who are you?" You asked.

"Shush darling. I'm trying to think. What should I do now?" You watched as they paced a bit more.

"Ah! I know! I'll bring you home early! Say goodnight darling!"

"Wha-?" And with that they pressed a cloth to your mouth, slowly rendering you unconscious.

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