7 - TRIP

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A/N: Am I a day behind? Yes. When is that going to change? Idk. Probably soon. Enjoy!

Going on a school trip to an island had seemed fun at first. It gave the opportunity for a week with no learning, just fun. It had seemed just like a paradise the first few days. Until your teachers had an idea.


Watching your teacher trekking through a tropical jungle would've been more enjoyable if you weren't along with him. The ingenious idea had been for a class hike through the hot humid jungle.

Your teacher regretted being here and you regretted not faking some ailment the second a wind of it had reached you. Sweat dripped down your face and you were pretty sure you had a million more mosquito bites then when you first started.

You, and some of your classmates, were trailing behind the teacher. You were quietly complaining to each other about everything. A sudden loud cracking sant you all stumbling back as a tree fell, knocking down other trees and cutting off the path.

While none of you were injured, thankfully, and this seemed more like a blessing than anything.

"We're gonna head back!" One of your classmates shouted as your small group turned around and started making your way back.

Everything was going fine until one of the boys screamed, jumping into you.

"Hey!" You pushed him off of you.

"Sorry. I saw a snake."

"There are SNAKES out here?" Great. Now everyone was freaking out. You were too, but you'd watched enough snake documentaries on YouTube at 3AM to have some idea of what to do if confronted by one.

"Snakes aren't that bad. They're just trying to do whatever it is that snakes do." You said. Spotting one watching you in the grass you decided to prove your point.

Slowly approaching it you picked it up from behind the head so it couldn't bite you, causing your classmates to scream louder. You proceeded to give its scaly head a few pets before putting it back in the grass.

"See?" Your classmates were in shock as you continued walking.


One of the other classes had refused to believe you actually picked up a snake and dared you to do it again.

So here you were in the jungle forest again, searching for a snake. As you found one, a tiny spotted one, you carefully picked it up.

When you turned around to show the nonbelievers they were… gone? You gave the snake one last pet before putting it back down.

A couple things happened as you turned around. One, you saw a pair of slitted eyes watching you from the dark. Two, something brushed against your leg. Three you tripped. You didn’t hit your head on a rock, you did however, land on your wrist funny.

As your vision swam from the pain you heard a hissy laugh as arms picked you up carefully.

"Dearest one you must be careful. Your skin isn't as tough as ours." A large snake tail came into your vision, the end gently booping you on the nose. "But don't worry. From now on I shall be by your side. Protecting you always."

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