17 - SALTY

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A/N: Another platonic yandere! Apologies if this is not your jam but I need some soft platonic yanderes in my life after the nightmare that was my day.

The ocean was scary. It was deep and dark and not the place for a child such as yourself. Despite this, everyday you woke up surrounded by blue water.

Your family owned a private island, something you found to be boring. The adults just wanted to meet here to talk and your cousins were old enough that they didn't want to play with you.

So you walked the jetty and sat on the beach by yourself. It was what you were used to.


When you'd woken up from a nightmare only to realize your parents were still gone you went to the beach. You walked along the sand, rabbit plush in your hands, sniffling and crying.

The salty air calmed you a little as you sat on the jetty, trying to calm yourself down. Then you'd heard it. The most enchanting voice, calling to you from the dark water.

You stood on shaky legs, looking around. You couldn't see anyone at first. You slowly made your way over the rocks to look a bit closer when your foot hit a slippery spot.

You fell for a second before you were caught in sturdy arms. Seawater soaked into your clothing as you stared up at your savior and he smiled back down at you.

"Such a cute child. Where are your parents little one?" You pointed back at the main house where the lights were still on.

"Well it seems like no one's watching you. Aww you're so adorable." A flash caught your attention and looking down you gasped as you saw his tail. He smiled and flicked it.

"Do you like it, little one? Look at that cute expression." A few more flicks of his tail and you were further out at sea, the lights of the house fading into the distance.

"You're such a lucky little one. You don't even need to wait to join me due to the new moon! Now let's get you your own pretty tail so we can play together forever okay?"

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