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A/N: Happy Halloween everybody! Enjoy the last 4 chapters of this story!

When your friend went missing while camping you thought it was weird. They were a seasoned hiker and had camped in that area before with no trouble. The idea they just went missing or got lost felt wrong. Either way, you volunteered to join one of the search parties looking for them.

As you and your group trekked through the woods, you realized just how bad of an idea volunteering was. With all the screaming and the flashlights you could unknowingly draw the attention of an animal... or the attention of whatever took your friend.

"This is stupid." You muttered, flicking off your flashlight. The leader of your group of volunteers glared at you.

"Is there a problem, Y/N?" He asked.

"No. My flashlight died." You lied. He started mansplaning about flashlights and batteries, driving you even more up the wall. You were on the verge of telling him to shut up when a flicker of silver caught your attention.

"Felix? Is that you?" Someone asked. There was no answer.

You backed away realizing it was some kind of wild animal, but the group leader got closer.

"Felix?" The silver thing leapt out of the bush, catching your sweatshirt in its teeth as it dragged you away.

When it finally stopped you had been dragged into a cave. Everything felt sore and you couldn't move from the stone floor, lying there breathless.

"Y/N? Is that you?" Felix stared at you from a corner of the cave, looking exhausted and dirty.

"Felix, you're alive." You said. He sighed.

"Yes, I am. But at this point of being kidnapped by a possessive werewolf you start to wish you weren’t."

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