Out in the cold...

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A/n- wow I haven't wrote in a while so I'm sorry if this is bad, I just need to get into writing again and that will happen sooner or later! Sorry if this is shit

Tw- claustrophobia, dark,hallucinations,jump scaring,abandoned areas

!!Also simpbur doesn't kidnap argbur!!
Pov argbur
Is this really how it starts....me running from the law because I killed a girl...such an embarrassing moment..no. Not embarrassing..TERRIFYING!!!

I ran and ran with just a black beanie,black jumper and ripped jeans with some black converse shoes..I had a black navy fluffy coat on as well as my glasses.. to an abandoned house in the forest..I needed to hide there, to hide from my previous actions..

I hate myself for it..but she was mocking me and my social awkwardness..so in the end it wasn't just my fault..I had a background to it..she didn't she couldn't swim. Her soul and story remains at the bottom of the river..

{matpat theory>>>>>>>>>>}

I put my head in my hands...I wanted to speak but the tears fell first.. I couldn't scream I couldn't talk but the best I could do was silently cry...as the cold wind hit my face like glass tearing up my skin.. I heard voices..

The voices were familiar...but I was alone. I finally built up the courage to talk..but I needed to keep me voice low.

"H-hello..?" Stuttering and shivering the words came out...but the fear was behind me..I waited for a reply.

"Hello.." the voice spoke like it was right behind me..I was scared to turn around.. but quickly did it... I let out a sigh and turn back around only to find a dark shadowy figure in front of me.

"AAAHHH!!!" Screaming and shaking I covered my eyes! I was panicking, I knew someone would of heard that! I open my eyes and it was gone.. it was an hallucination.

Time skip
I noticed my finger tips starting to go red because of how cold they were I was shivering cold but something outside was drawing me to it...I had to go out there.

Even though it was dark and the sky was black with little twinkling lights as well as the dark forming around you like a cave it was nice to be outside...I was shivering I had nothing to do or entertain me. I know what I needed to do..

And I needed to do it quick..

I hummed my favourite song while hearing the owls hoot in the sky..luckily I had paper in my pocket of my coat along with a pen.. I needed to make clues and whoever finds this can turn me in to the police...for murder.

I started writing down where I was, I started to dig with my pink shaking fingers just to get it seen and not at the same time.. I heard steps coming towards me..I look at the hole I made in the soil..I spoke my mouth dry as Utah "this will do.." I quickly buried it the steps getting closer..

I finished burring it and ran away..terrified of who would find this..luckily I was in all black they wouldn't see me cause of how dark the sky was..but I still hid wether it was in the house or not. Then I heard the steps come to a standstill...they must of found it..

Simpbur POV
What the hell is this?! Paper coming out the ground?!? Probably some stupid prank Jared has pulled on me..along with my crush/his gf.

She hasn't been responding to my texts but I didn't care I wanted this girl to love me. But anyway back to the situation.

"Hello?" I spoke loud but not loud enough.. "HELLO?!?!" I picked up the paper after I finished screaming.. "what the hell is this?" I swiped the dirt that was on the paper I unfolded it, that's when I saw words that looked like to be wrote by a 4 year old but I tried to make sense of the words I was reading.

It read.

"I did something embarrassing..I did something embarrassing...I'm at this house I killed someone!! I think I'm going insane and I'm so cold! I'd rather be turned in to the police then live like this.. HELP ME PLEASE!!!"

Signed -ARG

What.the.FUCK! This guy or girl KILLED SOMEONE AND THATS EMBARRASSING?!?! I can't really say much I'm a stalker myself but...I've never did murder.

I heard leaves crunching in the distance I knew I was sly and I know curiosity was gonna get the better of me..but...AH! What the hell!

I started walking (quietly) towards the trees that were there, I saw something move but not much just kinda peeking out from the side of the tree..

I started sneaking more quickly towards the tree..whoever it was I'm hoping they are t responsible for this letter..and I hope they are alright.

Argbur pov
I was panicking whoever picked up my letter will find out I murdered someone!! I started to panicking pulling at the tufts of hair pocking out my beanie.. I was nervous.

"Hello! You alright?" I flinched at the voice causing me to mull my beanie over my eyes..I didn't wanna take it off but the touch of their hands touched mine causing me to panic more.. I couldn't tell if it was the frost bite or my anxiety causing my hands to jerk...but I needed to.

"Woah hey..calm down I'm not gonna hurt u...I promise okay.." their voice was soft and calming causing me to calm down and lifting up my beanie to reveal them.

He was gorgeous! 6'5 foot tall, a dress shirt cling to his body with the top button undone, round glasses and fluffy,curly brown hair with brown hazel eyes and black shoes and trousers..

"You alright? You seem dazed." I couldn't believe it this handsome fellow talking to me!
"Y-yeah I'm fine!" My body language fails me as I rub my arms for warmth..
"Want me to bring you home Uhm.." he clearly didn't know my name but I'd think I'll tell him even though it was practically on the note.
"ARGbur...that's the name." He looked at me surprised... I saw the cogs turning in his brain but he chooses to ignore it.
"Hello argbur! Want to come back to my place" I saw him smile and then blush...maybe it was from the cold, but I can either accept or deny the offer...
"I'd like that." I look at him and give a warm smile...he smiles back but a bit distorted..then came blood trickling out his nose but wiped it quickly...who is this man and what have I gotten myself into.

Simpbur POV
I wipe the blood that came out my nose..only the girl I like could make my nose bleed..so...what's wrong with me?!?! Blushing at this stranger who could be a murderer and getting the obsession and love sick feeling..a burning in my chest...holy shit!

Maybe I'm...bisexual?

A/N please give this votes this took 2 days to finish! And I actually enjoyed writing it! So please give your options on this and how would you like me to present the characters and what emotions,sexualities,genders etc.. should I give them cause I used 'them' and 'he' for simp sooo give me ideas please! Also thx for reading!

Simpbur x argbur//where warmth and cold collide//Where stories live. Discover now