When the cold wind stops...

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TW- bad nightmares and mentions of murder/ drowning <3

Enjoy <3


Simpbur pov
I needed to show arg around my home,I'm sure he'd love it but I know I haven't cleaned up anything in the past week or so that there were gonna be questions from left to right.

But it was okay I'd explain to him how I'm not motivated enough to clean yeah..that will work...oh who am I kidding he'll just judge me like every man and woman has in my life..

No simp stop beating yourself up your fighting against your mind...just relax and watch a movie with Arg! It's not that fucking hard simp!

"Hey..you alright?" I glance towards the voice that spoke...Argbur probably saw my tense body language..
"...I'm fine arg! Don't worry!" I saw arg's sympathetic smile..I felt so bad for lying I felt like a fraud but I couldn't help but lie...
"...you know I'm here to talk to! Your not alone now! You have me!" He raised his arms in a warm gesture...I smiled at him.

Something about him was just so hypnotising, he could draw you in within a Milo-second and I wasn't surprised...I finally built up the courage to ask him if he wanted a tour..

"So arg want a tour of your new house?" I face him and he smiles and shakes bawls his hands up into fists and starts shaking them..didn't know he'd be this exited!
"YES!! YES PLEASE!!!" I sighed and stood up as for arg he was up and jumping about! why was he so excited about a home?

That's a question for later...

"Which room first?" He stopped jumping and thought about it..it didn't take him long to reply.
"Can I see the room I'm staying in first..?" I knew instantly that we had a problem...I didn't want to disappoint him...but..better now then never..
"I don't have a spare bedroom..sorry arg.." he looked at me and....giggled? I was confused why wasn't he disappointed?
"Oh! That's perfectly okay! I don't mind sharing with you handsome!" My face suddenly become red...WHAT THE FU-

How could he just drop a flirt in like that! I was dumbfounded I looked back at him...he was smirking at my reaction,definitely my reaction.

"Come on I was teasing and besides i think you liked it but im not complaining! Just hurry up and show me where I'm staying!" He was squealing and my thoughts were all over the place!

"Y-yeah I'm showing you room- I MEAN I'm showing you, your room!!" I mentally face palmed stupid.stupid.STUPID!!
"I definitely got to you anyway lead the way!" He put his hands in his coat pocket..I gulped and started walking and going up the stairs with Argbur following..

At the top of the stairs ready to go into my room which was just at the end of the hall...moments were just waiting for Argbur to judge me a lot...

I sighed....

"At the end of the hall...there." I pointed to my room causing Argbur to glance, he wash shorter down being on one step below the landing. (I'm British and that's how we say it- sorry for you Americans)
"We'll show the way.." I gave him a look of embarrassment and excitement..mostly embarrassment not going to lie...
"Of course!" I give a fake smile I was literally a fraud to this man....I felt awful.

I walked along the landing..with Argbur following...my embarrassment was creeping up on me I started to feel flushed...I couldn't not show him it.

I open the door knowing I left my bedroom a mess...I bit my lip anxious of what he would would think..with monster cans all over the place,clothes on the floor,messy bed,pillows on the floor and one laying down..the one I cuddled in the night..bedside table full of empty bottles of wine and whisky...

Simpbur x argbur//where warmth and cold collide//Where stories live. Discover now