When cold becomes warm..

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TW - nothing <3

Argbur pov
I started walking with the 6'5 guy..I was shivering while walking down to his car with him..he looked really handsome...I shouldn't think that way....he probably likes someone else.

I need to start a conversation...

"..lovely night tonight.." a small statement I waited for a reply...I heard a sigh.
"It is indeed.." a dry reply but at least I heard his voice...so calming.
"What were you doing out there..?" I glance at him and face the ground..I needed to make up an excuse I had to.
"M-my mother kicked me out! Cause I was gay!" I felt myself sweating..have I just outed myself?!?!
"Oh? So..that was the only place you can find.." I felt an arm around me and I saw him smile..
"Glad I'm not the only one Hm?" I felt myself smile and blush...WAIT NO! AUGH...I can't think that.

Time skip

We were walking for another mile..man how deep is that forest..I kept glancing back at the handsome man that was walking with me...I couldn't take my eyes off him..he's so....dreamy..

"Hey you okay?" A voice filled with honey broke my thoughts...
"Y-yeah! I'm fine!" The stutter...I did..I can just blame my shivering.
"We are at my car now! I can put the heating on if your cold!" I look at him...he smiled I felt myself blush...
"I'd like that.." I smile and I swear I saw red on his face..
"Come on let's get in!" He pulled the passenger door open for me..
"Thank you." He helped me get in since I was shivering.. he helped buckle me in I swear I felt his breath on my neck..
"There you go." He smiled and closers the door and walked around the car.

I looked around the car in the back in the compartment I even turned on the radio but got spooked and turned it off..I didn't even notice he got in the car.

"Having fun?" I quickly looked at him before hiding my face I knew I was blushing but I didn't want him to know...

"Yeah..very nice." I saw him laugh...he laughed at me...he's so cute..

Simpbur Pov
I started laughing at argbur...he was adorable, with his hands covering his face with his black beanie covering the rest of his hair...just some hair pocking out the front..the round glasses that reflected brown hazel eyes... his black jumper just under the navy blue fluffy coat..his ripped jeans just showing his bruised knee caps and his dirty converse shoes...

He seems very sweet and he's very small (height wise) I'm guessing around about 5'5 he was up to my arm..small but cute..I think I genuinely love him...

"LETS GOO!!!" I turned to look at him after he screamed that we both turned to eachother and laughed more!
"We need to get going" I saw him still grinning and laughing in silence until I saw him lean back and pant.

I turned away...blush covering my face..I looked out the window and noticed the outside window and looked my eyes...pink hearts for pupils...shit this obsession is getting worse.

I started up the car...I noticed argbur was playing with the window by putting the window up and down and repeating it..until a cold breeze came in causing arg to shiver.

"Leave the window up I'll put the heating on, it will keep you warm!" I saw him nod and I put the window up..

I started the engine and was on my way home..I can't believe I found a cute fellow who looked like he had frost bite.I was lucky to find him in the broken worn out house..

I glance to him...he zipped up his coat..he must be really cold even with the heating on.. I felt so bad..I saw him put his coat hood up..

Time skip
I was outside my house I sighed...I wasn't breathing oxygen..it was just hot hair blowing in my face..but kept glancing to argbur..I don't know if he was asleep or awake..

"Arg...argbur?" I heard a groan from argbur..he must of been asleep.
"M-morning" his sleepy voice was so adorable..so deep and hypnotising..I was definitely falling for him.
"It's night argbur..you slept the whole way!" I noticed his face is eyes wide like he's seen a ghost!
"Why didn't you wake me! I could of talked to you I could of-" I cut him off I giggled at his reaction..
"Argbur...it's alright! Just you being here is very comforting..." I saw blush rise to his face..my god he was adorable.
"You really mean that..?" He didn't believe me it's cute but I giggled knowing what I said is true.
"Of course I mean it! Why wouldn't I?" I saw him glance around and then look at the floor..
"I have no clue why I didn't think you meant it.." he giggled and so did I.
"Come on let's get out the car and into your new home along with me of course." I put a hand on my chest and smirked at him..I saw him giggle.
"Not unless I kick you out!" I knew he was joking when he said that but I dramatically gasped causing him to giggle more.

Argbur and me unbuckled ourselves and got out the car..of course me being on the road I needed to be really careful..I walked around the car..and walked to the front door...where Argbur was stood giggling at me being so careful.

I walked to the door,grabbed my keys and turned the lock..the door opened to a very warm house..
"Ladies first." I held the door open for Argbur, he gave me a sceptical look but walked in the house first..
"I appreciate it sir!" He smirked as for me I was dumbfounded..clearly someone knows his manners...

I closed the door and turned on the passage light it gleamed into the living room causing Argbur to go towards the living room and turn the light...I followed him into the living room.

"WOW THIS IS AMAZING!!!" Argbur looked at me with excitement in his eyes I smiled..
"I'm glad you like it Argbur!" I smiled at him! I closed my eyes for a second when I smiled then I felt arms around my body...I was being hugged! I opened my eyes to Argbur hugging my waist...I hugged him back. I heard a little soft spoke..

"Thank you..." I felt myself smile softly towards the small person hugging me...I needed to reply it was like a spell being put on me..

"Your welcome..."


Simpbur x argbur//where warmth and cold collide//Where stories live. Discover now