You are my privately owned spiral galaxy

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A/N- thank all you people for hating Jared and tbh I hate him too but some of the spotlight goes on him 🙄 BUT we have simp and arg fluff this time!! Wooo

TW- strangling, smoking, suicidal thoughts,yelling,sexual acts,Jared


Also thank you for 381 reads!! It's insane!!
Argbur pov
I was in Jared's car..I already missed simp but I couldn't see him till 12:00am but now I'm busy focused in the car...a voice chimed in and broke my thoughts..

"so...did he touch you? And is that all your clothes and why did you go alone?" I was ready for the yelling whatever answer I gave but luckily I had my phone and earbuds...I can block it out..
"He didn't touch me, yes that is all my clothes, and I went alone because it was just simp pointing at clothes on the floor and asking if they were mine.." I saw his body language change he was getting agitated..
"YOUR A LIAR!! STOP LYING ARGBUR AND TELL ME THE TRUTH!!" Jared yelled at me causing me to flinch but quickly reach for my phone and earbuds..
"ARG TELL ME THE TRUTH I KNOW YOUR LYING ABOUT I-" his voice was being drowned out by the music in my hands shaking but my first thought was my favourite song...I went on my playlist and found it.

I started putting it at full seems like Jared was done yelling and started the car...I stared out my window watching the trees and houses zip by..

The song played clearly in my ears...I wasn't paying attention to Jared or his scent or mind was on the trees and meeting simp tonight..

Thought cycle gusty a mind filled with hot air
Must I care for nothing more than myself? Do I dare?
Admit the fraught thoughts cavorting? Resorting in inner-directed mourning

The lyrics that played in my ears understood me..I felt the pain in the lyrics..

For the part of me that was selfless but left without a warning
Well, that's what I said, but maybe it's the fact that I detest
This obsession with myself that leaves a mess inside my head

It was perfectly put together...the lyrics in the song causing me to smile..finally something understood me even if it's just silly little lyrics..

Oh shit, I'm doing it again, repelling any potential friend
Revealing my innate ability to never fully comprehend
Anything bigger than myself, but in the end I still pretend

Fuck..these lyrics were understanding me so much and I have no idea why..or how but they was getting too deep.

Time skip
The song finished..just in time too...but I felt something on my thigh...I looked down..fuck I was way to into the song to realise Jared's hand on my thigh...I took my earbuds out and sighed.
"We are home now and I need to have a conversation with you." His menacing and piercing voice was hurting my ears..

I didn't want to be stuck with him in his I started to unbuckle myself quickly because i didn't want to be stuck in this car with soon as I was unbuckled I quickly opened the door and got out..I didn't want Jared to touch me any longer..

I was waiting outside Jared's house...I hated this place..I hated him and everything he owned I hated his blond hair I hated his blue eyes I hated his posture,style,car EVERYTHING!! Soon he came to the door and unlocked it..I was about to walk inside but Jared opened the door and shoved me in the house..I fucking hated him...

Simpbur x argbur//where warmth and cold collide//Where stories live. Discover now